Barack Obama,  Evan Bayh

Barack Obama Watch: It is Bayh?


MSNBC says Tim Kaine and Evan Byah have been informed that they have not been chosen. Fox News is stocking the home of Senator Joe Biden where there has been some activity. Likely scenario is a text message at 12:01 AM and then Biden leaves home and flies to Springfield, Illinois.

But, stay tuned…….


This would be the “SAFE” choice. But, can Obama tolerate Mark Penn and Hillary looking over Bayh’s shoulder?

KMBC’s Micheal Mahoney reports a company in Kansas City, which specializes in political literature, has been printing Obama-Bayh material… MORE… Gill Studios, would not confirm information about the material. They would not deny it either. At least three sources close to the plant’s operations reported the Obama-Bayh material was being produced…

Remember earlier in the week about preparations in Indiana? And, where is Obama today? Right next door in Illinois.

Stay tuned……..

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