Gay Marriage

Protect Traditional Marriage – The Robb and Robin Wirthlin Story

One day, Robb and Robin sent their son off to school. Learn the shocking story of what happened next.

Think it won’t happen in California, if California Proposition 8 fails?

Just a matter of time.

Vote Yes on California Proposition 8 and protect traditional marriage.

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  • No on Prop 8

    The poor misguided folk. That’s great that the children will learn of gay people and that they can get married. yes. Would be nice if they’d be all for open midedness and all loving. I’ll pray for their open midedness, one of their kids may be gay so they will hopefully want that child to have rights.

    • fred grant

      yes there are lots of gay mormans and there good people and they were born that way..they didnt choose that life style..but if you look back the lds church didnt want blacks in there church and they dont want gays..but just look at the money the gays are saving,,they dont have to pay tithing to the false church

  • Nathaniel Bridges

    Okay, the need for a children’s book about gay marriage may be a little excessive, and the whole thing about adding gay positive messages in every subject is going way over board, but thats not the fault of the law, thats the morons in the schools administration going, “hey, why don’t we insure kids get the message in an almost 1984ish way” Yeah, okay guys, great idea [/sarcasm]

  • Shaughn

    Monsters! How can you be so filled with hate??! Its long overdue that children learn tolerance and acceptance so they don’t grow up to be hate mongers like you. NO ON PROP 8

  • Chuck

    Hmmmmmm traditional marriage you say… Who’s tradition??? The American tradition??? The worlds tradition?? The Christians tradition??? The Muslim tradition??? Who’s tradition??? And who are YOU or anyone to defind my tradition??? And where does it stop??? It was LONG held tradition in this country or “marriage” to be ONE WHITE MAN and ONE WHITE WOMEN, that was THE tradition in this country, the Christians fled to the streets with their bibles when blacks wanted to marry whites… they claimed it was emoral. I know… sickening. Or what about the Mormons that have held multiple wives as apart of their traditions. I think it is really scarry when we assume our tradition is the right tradition. Look at Slavery… SLAVERY was a tradition in this country… and again, the Christians fled to the streets with their bibles to justify such. Truly shameful.

    Now honestly, I’m all for saving marriage… but this sounds more like homophobia then anything else. You know I read a article recently that in America, we currently have a 58% divorce rate, out of that 58% a FULL 93%… yeah, NINETY THREE PERCENT claimed to be professing CHRISTIANS. I know… I mean if we’re serious about banning marriage to a certain group of the population with prop 8, then shouldn’t we be banning the Christians??? Divorcing at alarming rates… it’s painfully clear who’s Runing marriage. I mean if we’re truly serious to the point we would change the constitution, then maybe we should bring out the truth and take it to a vote of the people to ban christians and JAIL those that have divorced and RUINED this thing we call marriage, that we hold so dear. Well, that is … if we’re truly concerned about marriage… disrecard if this is nothing but homophobia… and one day when you have to answer for your actions on earth… may God have mercy on your soul, because sadly… there will be plenty of the professing christians that will burn in the fires of hell for the evil things they’ve done on this planet and in the name of God. Truly shameful. And yes, there is a God… he’s watching YOU!! Kid you not!

  • Chuck

    The first recorded use of the word “marriage” for the union of same-sex couples occurs during the Roman Empire, long before the “christians” got involved with it. So, if we’re going to use the oldest view as our tradition, I guess we should look towards the Romans. Wouldn’t you agree? If you need me to explain the Roman Empire to you.. I’d also be glad to help you with that as well.

  • Flap

    Please provide me your evidence and links from your seminar website.

    And, explain to me the acceptance of homosexuality throughout the ages as well.

  • Chuck

    By the way… talk about Sarah Palin, yesterday the McCain camp released information in regards to how they are spending money. $75,000.00 at NEIMAN MARCUS, $50,000.00 at Saks Fifth Avenue and almost $5,000.00 so the “first dude” could purchase a couple of suits. SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME… She is a Washington insider through and trough. Sure, I can understand how someone might would have voted for Bush the first time around… but the second time????? Shame on you. Knowing what Bush had done… MILLIONS of INNOCENT people MURDERED and the CHRISTIANS voted this man back into office… even went so far as to proclaim a moral victory after his re-election. I heard a guy a on tv the other day that said… oh well… too bad about all the deaths, the cost to our country… etc etc etc, but it was all worth it, as long as Gay marriage stayed illegal. I know… truly remarkable. Or what about the other day, when I saw a lady over in Simi Valley… on her car was a McCain sticker, a Bush sticker, a christian IXOYE sign and a bumper sticker that said. “give WAR a chance” I kid you not!! It’s truly sickening. I’ve said it before… but trust me on this one… they’ll be plenty of these professing Christians burning in the fires of HELL for the EVIL things they’ve done on this planet.

    And while I have the post. I think we should take it to a vote of the people … (since we seem to be so free to vote about everything) We ought to make it ILLEGAL to profit off of God. The church has become nothing but big business… if one truly believe the bible was the devine word of God, then how in the world you could anyone accept money in order to preach the word??? Truly… we should ammend the consititution to BAN anyone from making money off of God. This has to stop… Christians have just gotten out of hand… their illegal activities should stop NOW. Look at Paul and Jan…. old Benny cruising Newport Beach in a fleet of Rolls Royce cars… living in a 10 million dollar home at Newport Coast and taking money from the elderly. Shame shame shame. I could relate stories on these preachers all day long… and there are 10,000 more just like them. Enough it enough.

    It starts with our votes. NO on 8, and Obama. It’s really that simple.

  • Chuck

    I don’t have a website???? I’ve got a brain!!! And are you seriously not up on history??? You didn’t honestly think that marriage was a Christian American Tradition did you??? Seriously… you can not be that stupid??? You know how to use a computer… LOOK it up yourself. Honestly… wake up buddy.

  • Chuck

    Blacks have not been accepted though the ages… do you agree with that?? As some think about homosexuality?? Would you have been one of those that would have taken out your bible to justify WHITE ON WHITE marriages??? That was the tradition!!! Look how badly the JEWS have been treated. Look at the Italians in New York around the turn of the century when they were treated like Mexicans are today. I heard someone say the other day…. “get that dirty filthy mexican over here” I know… it’s sickening. So just because something is not accepted, doesn’t mean you should carry that tradition forever. I mean seriously… what does hate of homosexuality have to do with anything… accepted or not??? what does that have to do with anything?

  • Chuck

    Isn’t it odd… when humans are reduced to ONE PENIS and ONE VAGINA. It’s so stupid it’s laughable. We are all humans… we all have brains, feelings, emotions… a LOVING relationship should have NOTHING to do with a PENIS or a Vagina. I’m guessing you’re married… (probably three or four times I’m guessing… well, if you’re a “christian” that is… they seem to hold a tradition about having divorces every few years… yeah, another documented FACT) but anyway… are you telling me… You fell in love with your current wife because she had a VAGINA??? Are you for real??

  • Chuck

    What are you so scared about??? Terms of use???? Hello???? Does the truth scare you??? You NOT stupid??? Are you??? Delete all my post… I’m not scared… a WARNING??? How typical. WEIRD… but then again… considering, is it really any shock. And for gosh sakes… look it up yourself. You do know how to use a online search engine… don’t you?

    And while you’re at it… would you like to share with me and anyone else following how I violated the “terms of use” LOL

  • Chuck

    I DID NOT CALL YOU STUPID…. but if you’re feeling stupid… honestly, I’m not surprised.

    OOOPS…. That last post should have read…. If you’re FEELING stupid, I would not be surpised.

  • Chuck

    How typical… the truth has scared you. WAKE UP… it’s 2008… the truth is the truth. You are all about truth aren’t you??? Insults you say… what is insult?? If you’re feeling stupid… HONESTLY… I’m not surprised… but I tried to be as clear as possible with you… I told you… I wasn’t calling YOU stupid… but I guess you were unable to figure that out. Yes, very typical to what I’ve come to expect when dealing with “professing” christians. I wonder seriously… it there truly a honest christian around these days??? It’s seems the true word scares people like you. It’s really very sad. I wish you no harm… just would like to enlighten you. Maybe one day you will figure it out. I prey God saves your soul, because we can not continue going around preaching hatred and think we are going to make it to God’s kingdom. And yes, there is a GOD… will you be prepared?

  • Chuck

    How typical of a “professing” Christian. Not a insult fest you say… I find YOU insulting… I find your support of something so EVIL as prop 8, INSULTING and yet you don’t seem to care. Again… typical. Christians are very self self self self self. You don’t give a flying frick about anyone other then yourself. Very typical. Not a insult-fest you say and yet you have no problem insulting ME or the other 10 MILLION Californians that support NO on Prop 8. Yes, your very support of such EVIL … INSULTS me to no end. But then again, I guess YOU don’t care about that!

  • Jason

    Seriously, if you are that insecure to discriminate against other people’s right to marry, you need psychological help. Most of the haters are closeted gays that think discriminating against them will make them seem completely hetero, which is quite the contrary.

    This crap about ruining the sanctity of marriage is garbage – 50% of marriages end up in divorce. You haters would rather have kids grow up with no parents than 2 mothers or 2 fathers. You preach hate and intolerance – the highly religious are the ultimate hypocrites of all with their life mantra of we are very tolerant of everyone as long as they live their life exactly how we do – what an f’n joke you all are.

    It’s amazing that 2 people happy together would make you feel so threatened. Are you afraid they might turn you gay? You nutjobs probably do think that as clueless as all of you are.

    A book written by 4 guys over 2,000 years ago is interpreted so many different ways yet a group of self proclaimed righteous ones think they know it all. Unbelievable that these people haven’t actually taken the time and thought about the possibility that they could be wrong. After all there is no fact to back up anything they swear by, and chances are they would be part of another religion if they were born in a different part of the world. But never mind that logic, they must be right and all the other billions of people must be wrong. How ridiculous is that!

  • Flap

    There go the insults again calling folks haters.

    By the way, I am heterosexual and not a closet homosexual. But, I have gay and lesbian friends, family members and acquaintances.

    Most understand my position. Don’t agree, but understand.

    We will vote on the issue, November 4.

    Flaps last blog post..Links for 2008-10-21 []

  • Jason

    Sorry you ignore the truth but if you vote for this proposition you are a hater. I am a heterosexual happily married for 4 years, yet I don’t feel threatened. Neither should you.

    Sorry the truth hurts but maybe you should take a look in the mirror and see how shallow you really are.

    Why are you so bothered? I haven’t seen any good reason.

    Are you a practicing Christian and get it from the Bible?

  • Sal Bellarmino

    It really amazes me that in the year 2008 narrow minded people like this still exist. I don’t live in Mass now but used to in Weston. The superintendant of California schools has said the yes on 8 adds are a lie. Children here are not even taught about marriage at such an early age. What this couple is doing is spreading fear and values of hate and discrimination. It is their right to have an opinion but to deney people cival liberties is wrong. If they want to teach their children that only the people they accept have rights so be it. If they don’t like what their children are being taught in their home state then move out of it. All this is a repeat of what whites did to blacks. If gay people can’t marry then why should they pay taxes? You can’t have it both ways. I would love to see this couple enter into the city of San Francisco. I think they have opend up a pandoras box for themselves and their children. What will they tell their children when Mom and Dad are hated by so many people. Better yet what will happen if one of their children turns out to be gay? Will they kill them, throw them out or disown them?

  • Kim

    I heard a rumor that Gay groups are so mad about this and rightfully so… I mean we are only talking about loving relationships, but the Christians have gotten such a bad rap over this, that I heard there might be some heavy backlash over this, Gay’s are banding together and they’re going to go after the churches. I heard they’re going to try to get the talk started again about taxing the churches, I mean look how involved they’ve gotten in this issue… pouring so much money into this and yet we are supposed to have a seperation of church and state, I think this shows great cause to open up the taxation of the churches and if anyone can do it, the Gay’s can band together like no other group. I think we should go along the lines of Chuck… he mentioned Christians divorcing and I agree, if we’re able to vote on something like this, let’s give the people the truth and expain in every newspaper and internet access across the country about what CHRISTIANS have done to marriage. They are RUINING it and should be banned from it. I agree… 93% of all divorces are from people that claim to be CHRISTIANS. ???? SICK!!!! Let’s bring out the truth…. I’m ready… let’s take it to a vote. And don’t be too stupid… trust me, we could get the signatures to it. Isn’t it time to bring out the truth, I think the backers of Prop 8, have messed with the wrong group of people. They’ve got no idea what they’ve opened up. Wait and see… this will come back and bite the christians hard. A guy on FOX News made a remark the other day… and so true, but when did HATE become a christian family value… it made me think and it’s so true. Christians have become so hateful!

  • Kim

    My last line is my question if anyone can answer. But just when did HATE become the latest “Christian” family value? So hateful and so UNGODLY. HATE of others has no room in America in the year 2008 and we should go after the terrorist in THIS country first. Seems the rightwing Christians are really not that much different then the Taliban, the Islamist group from Afghanistan we currently are fighting against, but the truth of the matter, there is evil actually here in the United States and some of these hate groups, such as the Prop 8 backers are not much different then those that supported HITLER. I bet God shreaks when he hears his named mentioned along with the word Christian, because there is a GOD and God is too great to be mentioned along with a group that is filled with such hatred of their fellow man.

  • Flap

    To everyone:

    I am going to let a couple of comments through from the sock puppet Chuck or whatever his name is. The new name is Kim.

    Chuck, Kim or whatever do you not know that your IP address is recorded every time you comment?

    And, you will remain on moderation.

    Seminar type wrapped comments from the No on Prop 8 campaign – what a socka? NOT.

  • Chuck

    Are you people serious… so now my wife can not log in and express her thoughts? Very odd…. What nut jobs! You know… my wife has a brain too.

  • Chuck

    Is that weird… my wife writes in after reading all the post this morning and her thoughts are now considered invalid”??? hello???? Anyway… no need to continue to moderate on my behalf, I’m going to my email and will BLOCK all further communications from you. Either we are going to have honest valid chats… or none at all. You act like you’re a little Hitler.

  • Joy

    LOL…Are you kidding me???
    He called others wrong and bigoted. I hope every child they breed; everyone that my tax dollars are supporting, are pole smokers.
    SHe talks about tolerance? What about tolerance of fat people? Does she like that? OR does it make her feel bad?

  • Dan

    The Real Wirthlins – Religious Fundamentalists with brutal tactics

    Robb and Robin Wirthlin aren’t who they present themselves to be.

    The Wirthlins moved into the Lexington school district already aware of the “Window and Mirrors” curriculum that was put in place so that second graders, who talk about and paint pictures of their families constantly, would see all students and their own families represented in materials.

    The Wirthlin’s son Joey, already knew a classmate, Jessica Soens, who had two mommies.

    This was not sex ed, this was anti-bias material representing all families, single parent families, interracial families, jewish and muslim families placed in the school library in 1999. That was all it was, according to Pam Hoffman of Hoffman claims the Wirthlins moved into the district in order to challenge the curriculum and drug an unsuspecting second grade teacher, Mrs. Kramer, through the courts, devastating her life so they could promote their Mormon religious agenda.

    This is not a gay rights issue. It is, however, a civil rights and teacher’s rights issue. That is why the California Teachers Association has contributed to the No on 8 campaign. I ask you to consider Jessica Soens and the 52,000 California children with same-sex parents when you cast your vote against this discriminatory ballot measure.

  • Dan

    Sacramento Bee: Prop 8 Strategist uses “Preposterous idea” to Disguise Hatred

    In his column, Marcos Bretón explains prop 8 strategist knew to hide his hatred of homosexuals behind an issue unrelated to the proposition in order to trick Californians into voting for discrimination against gays and lesbians. Disingenuous, deceitful, Frank Shubert will do anything, say anything, to win.

    It would have been so easy to run an election campaign supporting gay marriage if the opposition were directly bashing the gay lifestyle.

    That’s because public sympathy would turn negative toward Proposition 8 – the California initiative that would eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry – if it were waged as a battle over civil rights.

    So why is there a good chance Prop 8 will pass on Nov. 4, thereby striking down gay marriage in California?

    Because the anti-gay marriage message in television ads has pushed hot buttons without directly demonizing gays. And it has changed the subject of a civil rights fight to a question focusing on children: Do you want 6-year-olds to be taught about gay marriage in public schools?

  • Save_Californias_Constitution

    The Wirthlins hit the road for hate

    To hear Robb and Robin Wirthlin recount the day their 7-year-old son Joey was subjected to a schoolroom reading of the colorful children’s book King and King, you’d imagine he’d been read a gay porn novel by his elementary school teacher.

    Dan Aiello, writing in the Bay Area Reporter, has taken a closer look at the Wirthlins, who are currently being bussed from church to church across California by Protect Marriage to support Proposition 8, which would eliminate marriage equality in California. Aiello uncovers a number of details about the couple that the Yes on 8 folks would rather remain unmentioned.

    While the Mormon couple maintain they were merely trying to protect their children, they have been associated with two organizations that are determined to to eliminate marriage equality in Massachusetts through a constitutional amendment: The Massachusetts Family Institute and MassResistance, an organization identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-gay hate group.

    Anti-gay hate groups, according to SPLC, “are organizations that go beyond mere disagreement with homosexuality by subjecting gays and lesbians to campaigns of personal vilification.” The designation places MassResistance squarely in the company of neo-nazi, white nationalist, racist skinhead and black separatist organizations.

    MassResistance Watch has more information about the group.

    A spokesperson for Yes on 8 denied the Wirthlin’s involvement with the groups — both of which publicized the Wirthlin’s cause, raised funds and organized vigils on their behalf.

    According to Aiello, “The Wirthlins, it seems, were looking for a reason to sue in Massachusetts. Now they’re looking for a fight here in California.”

    read more at:

  • sassinfras

    if gay marriage is legalized it will give credit to those radical muslims such as bin laden who say ‘that americans are a depraved people’.
    the whole idea of human existance is to reproduce. the concept that same sex marrage will further mankind is dellusional and should not be bought into the mainstream.tolerance o.k but to put it on the same footing as m/f marriage is totally against natures plans.

  • Paul

    Children are always read book about a prince marrying a princess. Who not a prince marrying a prince? If these people are so “open minded” then why do they think that it is wrong for their children to lean about gay marriage? It is an absolutely fantastic idea! Children will become aware of gay marriage in an environment right for it, free from discrimination. Parents saying that they have a problem with this, will relay the message to their children that they have a problem with gay marriage. This will, in the long term cause the child to (maybe or maybe not subconsciously) discriminate against gay marriage. This makes it a worse learning environment for kids who may very well be gay! Not the ones who are not. The supporters of Proposition 8 contradict themselves within every sentence! And to the other videos online supporting Proposition 8 saying that those against it display acts of violence and discrimination towards its supporters, I am sorry to use this language but . . . WAKE THE FUCK UP! Do you know how many violent acts are committed against gay people?! I’m sorry but you have got to be kidding me! And to the supporters of Prop. 8 who say that their rights are being suppressed . . . DRINK A TRIPLE VENTI COFFEE AND REALLY WAKE THE FUCK UP! Gay people are not allowed to marry each other!!!! Talk about suppressing rights!
    You know, I could really go on forever but I won’t.
    But really! When I saw this video . . . I just . . . its horrible.
    Have a nice day.
    An angry guy.

  • Save_Californias_Constitution

    Really, the argument about the Prince marrying a Prince ought to be looked at from the standpoint of class struggle. Why can’t the Prince marry a nice plumber or mechanic?

  • fred grant

    hay if gay people want to get married let them..just dont let them practice polygamy like the mormans do..if the mormans get involved in califs prop 8 this time i hope they loose there tax excempt status and have to pay taxs on all there churchs and temples