Gay Marriage

El Coyote Mexican Cafe Bullied Into $500 Donation to Homosexual Advocacy Group – JIZYA

El Coyote Cafe protest

Hundreds of protesters converged on El Coyote on Beverly Boulevard on Wednesday night, November 12, 2008. Photo courtesy of LA Times

Michelle calls the $500 donation to an advocacy group challenging California’s Proposition 8 –  JIZYA.

Flap calls it extortion.

Note the Los Angeles Times has corrected its original story on the El Coyote Mexican Cafe.

An article in Saturday’s California section about a donation made by employees of the El Coyote Mexican Cafe in support of a challenge to Proposition 8 said that the owner of the restaurant is Mormon. The owner’s daughter is Mormon.

The gay employees of the restaurant throwing the owner’s daughter under the bus to save their own asses. All for a $100 contribution to Yes on Proposition 8.

Real class.

By the way, the obviously bigoted, Mormon daughter (Marjorie Christoffersen) of the owner who is a manager at the restaurant has taken a leave of absence rather than apologize or write another $100 check to the homosexual lobby.

Where is the owner, Flap asks?

Want to bet he pays the JIZYA?

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