Gay Marriage,  Tom Hanks

Shocker: Tom Hanks is an Anti-Mormon BIGOT – Calls Traditional Marriage Supporters “Un-American”

Courage Campaign’s television ad: “Home Invasion”: Vote NO on Prop 8

Oh the tolerance of the Hollywood LEFT. Remember the anti-Mormon video released by the Homosexual Courage Campaign during the California Proposition 8 campaign? It is above.

Tom Hanks is the latest Hollywood ass-clown anti- Mormon bigot to open his mouth supporting gay marriage in California. But, calling California Proposition 8 supporters (Prop. 8 restored the traditional definition of marriage – one man and one woman – to the California Constitution Last November) “anti-American” is over the top.

Tom Hanks, Executive Producer for HBO’s controversial polygamist series “Big Love,” made his feelings toward the Mormon Church’s involvement in California’s Prop 8 (which prohibits gay marriage) very clear at the show’s premiere party on Wednesday night.

“The truth is this takes place in Utah, the truth is these people are some bizarre offshoot of the Mormon Church, and the truth is a lot of Mormons gave a lot of money to the church to make Prop-8 happen,” he told Tarts. “There are a lot of people who feel that is un-American and I am one of them. I do not like to see any discrimination codified on any piece of paper, any of the 50 states in America, but here’s what happens now. A little bit of light can be shed and people can see who’s responsible and that can motivate the next go around of our self correcting constitution and hopefully we can move forward instead of backwards. So lets have faith in not only the American, but Californian constitutional process.”

Flap will now wait for Tom Hank’s portrayal of all of the homosexual Catholic priests who have been sexually abusing children for decades.

Think it will happen?

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  • Euripides

    I’m not very shocked. Tom Hanks has merely joined the ranks of the Hollywood elite who think that money and celebrity equates with wisdom. Hollywood actors need to get out more….

  • kayla

    Umm, what did you just say? I don’t know if you are daft or just willfully ignorant, but people who desire to have sex with children, either male or female are pedophiles. And if you insist on calling men who have sex with little boys homosexuals, then we must conclude that heterosexuality is a bigger bane on society than homosexuality, since it’s a well known fact that more little girls are victims of adult male abuse.

    YOu can be anti-gay, but please don’t be stuck on stupid!!!

  • Tia

    What an arrogant ass. I always knew he was a democrat and so assumed he didn’t support the same things I do, but calling Mormons anti-american??? I have several friends who are Mormon and they are kind good people. I’m sorry, but I agree with them, if you can’t pronounce them Man and Wife then you can’t pronounce them married. And no one needs to be changing their religion in order to appease Tom Hanks – Or Jack Black or any other actor.

  • Outraged

    I can’t believe that Tom Hanks would be so completly ignorant to the fact that over 50% of the population of California voted for Prop 8. And the last time I checked California , Moroms aren’t 50% of the population. His blasphemous words of hate should also be apply to the thousands of people of various religions ( Catholics, Jewish, Baptists, Lutherns etc.) because in his eyes they are also “Un American” but wait I guess that only applies to us Mormon’s. As a voting American, who was born in America I am given the same rights as he is and I have reserved that right to no longer spend my “Un-American” dollars on a man that clearly lets bigetry stand in the way of not bashing on people’s religion. If I had his address I would mail him back all of the movies that I purchased with my “Un- American” dollars and rest be sured that he won’t see another dollar of my money. Besides what does Big Love and Prop 8 have anything to do with each other other than giving him a platform to spew hateful words about someones religion.

  • sarah

    My brother-in-law is mormon and is serving our country. My whole family is mormon and most of my uncles have also had service to this country. Isn’t this country about freedom of religion? I believe that too is a constitutional right. I find it ironic that the most bigoted comments come from people who are trying to shoot for more “tolerance”. I guess they are only tolerant when your opinions are the same as theirs. He can believe whatever he wants to believe, but there are consequences for publicly saying something so stupid. This will hurt him in the end as a lot of mormons were his fans and now may not be.

  • Gene Davis

    Liberalism truly is a mental disorder. Another question should be asked as to why Tom Hanks and Jack Black were even given time to speak? Next up Kim Jong Il!

  • journalista chronicle

    Tom Hanks is obviously very confused about what it means to be an American. It is ignorant and insulting for him to say that Mormons are un-American for exercising their constitutional right to support a cause and vote. Interesting that the gay left can support their cause and vote their beliefs, and they are American, but for those who voted in favor of Prop 8, we’re un-American? No way!!!!

  • Jim

    Umm, what did you just say? I don’t know if you are daft or just willfully ignorant, but people who desire to have sex with children, either male or female are pedophiles. And if you insist on calling men who have sex with little boys homosexuals, then we must conclude that heterosexuality is a bigger bane on society than homosexuality, since it’s a well known fact that more little girls are victims of adult male abuse.
    Actually you are dead wrong if you were any more wrong you would be right? I know that last comment makes as much sence as the one I am responding to. It is, in FACT, boys who are molested more than that of girls, and it is usually male on male look at your crime stats. Nice try though!

    Oh one thing on this who Inaug day, trust me it is like when you stumble in the the pretty girl in the bar how HOT she looks, then the next day when the booze ware off you roll over and look at her, she still looks hot but she starts to laugh and talk, leaving you going what the heck did I just do. There is going to be a LOT of buyer remorse in the next 6 months.

  • Amalgamate

    Tom Hanks is right.
    Just as people who wanted blacks to be 3/5s of a person or who forbade them to not have interracial marraiges, any backers of prop 8 are un american

    not just mormons, catholics, bigots, etc

    the man speaks the truth-we are a counmtry founded on freedom of religious prosecution, but that is exactly what the proponents of prop 8 have done -pushing their beliefs that ho-mo-sexuality is wrong (when, in actuality, what two consenting adults do with each other is no one’s business) and VOTING to take righst away-nothign more evil than that!

    Stop the hate!!

    From a gay man who legally married his husband of 4 years in October 2008

  • DrPearl

    Tom Hanks just joined my list.

    It’s really getting hard to see a movie.

    P.S. Amalgamate #13…….being gay is not being black. Get your civil union and STFU.

    The people of California have spoken, not the Mormons. If Mormons had that kind of power, Pelosi and Feinstein would be working retail at Macys.

  • Steve

    This country cherishes ” life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness”. Why do the Mormons (LDS) not want the same for all? This nation values “equal rights under the law”; do the Mormons believe some are more equal than others? This great country insists on the “separation of church and state”; this is an example of why that is so fundamental. I grew up in the west and knew personally of young Mormons (among other religions please note) cast out by their families owing to nothing more than their God given sexual orientation. You did not choose to be straight; they did not choose to be gay. Are not all of us deserving of equal rights? Of happiness? Of freedom from tyranny by the right OR left wing; by one religion or the other? Seemingly not.

  • anti tom hanks

    I was watching the David Letterman show on Thursday October 29, 2009, and Tom Hanks was the guest. Hanks was describing a situation where he and his brother were recently driving across the United States and their car ran out of gas in the middle of the vast salt field of Bonneville, Utah. Hanks then mentioned how his brother said he was going to call the Automobile Club for some help. Thinking this was an idea that didn’t make sense since they were in the middle of nowhere, Hanks said “My brother turned Pollack on me all of a sudden”, insinuating that Polish people are stupid. Can you imagine what kind of reaction and outcry there would have been if he had said the “n” word, or made a derogatory comment towards Hispanics or another minority group? These kind of remarks perpetuate stereotypes, no matter how “minor” they appear to be. I’m spreading the word of Tom Hank’s bigotry and I believe that he owes the Polish community a public apology.

  • Steve

    To all: well, Hanks may have overstated his position and I agree with those who suggest that his opinion maybe should not have so much impact as “just an actor”. But sports heroes, politicians & corporate & church leaders also have extra influence owing to position, power and money–do you also question their undue influence?
    To Outraged: You said “As a voting American, who was born in America I am given the same rights as he…” Excellent point but you don’t have all the same rights if you’re a GAY American. That is exactly what we want–the equal rights of which you’re rightfully proud. We died in the World Trade Center & we rescued those who didn’t; we serve in the military pay taxes & vote. Why are we second class citizens? It took many years for LDS to recognize blacks. I suppose it may take as long for recognition of Gods gay children

  • Jinkii

    he is as entitled to his opinion as you are to yours, i have experienced more bigotry from mormons than from hollywood, when my wife was in hospital giving birth to our first child there was a mormon nurse who was so convinced that my wife was on drugs because of her peircings and tattoo’s she actually called the cops while she was in labour and tried to get her arrested, after he was born he had scrapes on his inner thigh due to stretching and this mormon nurse tried to have him taken into state care to protect him even though the doctor had spotted this and put it on his chart as a result of the birth.
    so please if you are going to try crying bigotry at least have the decency to not evoke joe smiths made up church to justify it.

  • Gary

    Tom Hanks is an unpatriotic jackass who wants to change history with his Pacific mini series. The ahole should move out of the U.S.!

  • BigGuy

    If a giant earthquake hit California and it broke off and fell into the ocean, I think the world would be a better place. There isnt anything Sicko-fornia provides that we can live without. Maybe it is the Sun or the unstable ground that screws them up.. Like Nancy Pelosi..

  • Becker Thijs

     Maybe we better end the whole idea of marriage. As most couples don’t last anyway. There’s nothing against people to be together, or not wanting to be together, why should we have some higher power, the state or the church, involved in this?