Barack Obama,  Day By Day

Day By Day by Chris Muir January 31, 2009 – Credit Where Credit’s Due

Day By Day 013109

Day By Day by Chris Muir

The U.S. Senate takes up HR 1 on Monday, Barack Obama and Democrat Congressional Leader’s pork laden stimulus bill. House GOP leaders marshalled their forces to unanimously oppose the bill.

Undoubtedly, the Senate version of the bill will be reworked this weekend to attempt to pick off GOP Senators. Complicating this matter is New Hampshire GOP Senator Judd Gregg (up for re-election in a blue leaning state) who is a top contender for an Obama Administration post, Secretary of Commerce.

In order to avoid a Senate Republican filibuster Demcorat Majority leader Harry Reid must have 60 votes for the bill.

Stay tuned for the countdown as to whether the Senate GOP will be able to exert party discipline for unanimous opposition or whether President Obama will capitulate and change the bill sufficiently to reach a bipartisan concensus (or at least a 60 vote majority).

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