Herbert Sandler

Video: Herbert and Marion Sandler – A World of Trouble

Scott Pelley reports for 60 Minutes on

Herbert and Marion Sandler – People who should be shot

Flap missed this piece, World of Trouble, from a few weeks ago on CBS’ 60 Minutes. Watch the video and weep.

As the reader contemplates the meltdown of the American economy, worries about their job, nurses their losses in their 401k or other pension fund, remember the origins and two of the greedy who helped precipitate it all – Herbert and Marion Sandler.

Also, remember that Flap had this post about the Sandler’s prior to the Obama election and linked the association of the Sandler’s and the FAR LEFT and George Soros multiple times here.

So, when someone asks you what or who caused the economic collapse…………


Herbert Sandler in the News Business – ProPublica.Org

The Forbidden SNL Soros/Sandler Skit – Now Edited and Redacted

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