Day By Day,  Tea Party

Day By Day by Chris Muir March 28, 2009 – Middle Finger Voters

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

Yes, Chris, the Tea Parties are organizing and Flap will be attending one on April 15th here in Ventura County, California. Here is some info from the organizer’s Facebook Group:

A group of concerned citizens is organizing a Rally to be conducted at the Government Center in Ventura. The primary purpose of the Rally is to send a message to the State and Federal governments that we are deeply concerned about the level and direction of government spending. This group’s overall mission is to encourage public policy that promotes limited government, free markets, and individual liberty.

To get the word out about the Rally, the organizers will appear on talk radio programs, promote through many venues on the internet, make phone calls, send emails, and will post fliers throughout the area with all pertinent event information.

Attendees are being asked to bring a tea bag to the Rally to show their solidarity with the original tax revolt that was foundational to our nation. We intend to express our digust with the number of unnecessary spending programs that are being passed into law. The collected tea bags will be presented to government officials.

Join us, won’t you?


In blogging matters, Flap will be visiting his father in law who is in the Los Angeles VA Hospital for most of the day and evening. Blogging will be intermittent at best.

However, catch Flap on Twitter in the right sidebar ————>


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  • Marlene

    I guess I don’t understand why these people are protesting NOW; in my opinion they should have been protesting YEARS ago. Obama is trying to fix the mess; he didn’t create it!

  • Mona

    Are you kidding me? Have you been living under a rock? Since Obama took office things have changed drastically in the wrong direction. This is not the change he promised. If you pay taxes this effects you, if you dont it still effects you. People need to stand in revolt make themselves be heard. Obama has created the mess all of it! Give a listen to Mark Levine and he will explain to you what has happend in this presidential term in just a few days.