Bill O'Reilly,  David Letterman

Video: The Obligatory David Letterman Calling Bill O’Reilly a “GOON” Post

Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly on last night’s David Letterman Show

Bill O’Reilly is on a tour of the television talk shows to celebrate his TV ratings and hype his best selling book. This is average and fair reciprocating hype.

But, Letterman just cannot resist slamming O’Reilly.

DAVID LETTERMAN (holding up O’Reilly’s book): I want to tell you and this book is a crazy best seller. How many weeks has it been on the best seller list?

BILL O’REILLY:  Six months on the best seller list.

LETTERMAN: Here’s what breaks my heart about this. Because in my mind I think of you as a goon. But then when you look at this picture, look at how sweet and adorable that kid is and it breaks my heart because I have a sweet and adorable kid like that and I think, “Oh great! What if he too becomes a goon!

Flap wonders when Fox will field their own conservative oriented late night comedy show?


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