Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  John Bolton,  Saudi Arabia

Day By Day by Chris Muir April 6, 2009 – Bowing Down To King Abdullah

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

Chris, King Abdullah from Saudi Arabia has been around quite a long time now. Remember when President Bush was criticised for walking hand in hand with the Saudi potentate?

There was NO reason for President Obama to bow down to the Saudi leader unless he knows something more about America’s energy (spelled OIL) supply than the general public.

The President would be better to be listening to fellow Americans: Drill, Baby, Drill!


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One Comment

  • Ling

    I think President Obama prefers Bow, baby, Bow. Much easier than Drill, baby, Drill. Keeps his tree-hugger friends happy, and you don’t have to worry about oil wells spoiling the landscape and that sort of thing. Just bow down, take on more debt and we’re done.