Barack Obama,  Iran,  Iran Nuclear Watch,  Israel,  Polling

Poll Watch: 23 Per Cent of Israelis Will Leave Israel If Iran Obtains a Nuclear Weapon

The test-firing of a new medium-range surface to surface missile in Iran on May 20. Iran’s former Revolutionary Guards chief Mohsen Rezai has warned he could stop Israel with “one strike” and said it would not dare to threaten the Islamic republic if he is elected president

Looks like Iran’s nuclear blackmail of Israel is already succeeding.

Some 85 percent of respondents said they feared the Islamic Republic would obtain an atomic bomb, 57 percent believed the new U.S. initiative to engage in dialogue with Tehran would fail and 41 percent believed Israel should strike Iran’s nuclear installations without waiting to see whether or how the talks develop.

“The findings are worrying because they reflect an exaggerated and unnecessary fear,” Prof. David Menashri, the head of the Center, said. “Iran’s leadership is religiously extremist but calculated and it understands an unconventional attack on Israel is an act of madness that will destroy Iran. Sadly, the survey shows the Iranian threat works well even without a bomb and thousands of Israelis [already] live in fear and contemplate leaving the country.”

Israel had an opportunity a few years ago after the 2006 midterm American elections and would not or could not pull the trigger against Iran’s nuclear program.

Now, under Obama, Iran will continue to stall by negotiations until they reach Breakout Capability and then the nuclear blackmail scenario will be complete.

Bye Bye Israel……

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