Day By Day

Day By Day by Chris Muir Juky 4, 2009 – Prostitutes

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Day By Day by Chris Muir

Chris, the major daily newpapers and televison networks have ALWAYS been media whores. They have just covered it up because there was no internet to expose their crooked asses.

When you are the only game in town (with the printing press or TV signal), you can do as you damn well please and whore yourself out to whatever pols strike your fancy or arrange some sort of political favor.

Wonder how the next generation of politicians and media moguls will try to control American information?

Oh yeah, like exclusive broadcast infomercials from inside the White House.

See, they are trying.

Happy Independence Day everyone.


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One Comment

  • Ling

    Happy Independence Day to you too. And I think there’s a few heads going to roll at the WaPo over this mess. Politico kneecapped their credibility, and everytime in the next few years that the WaPo starts getting all righteous, people will throw this in their faces. Bad place for a newspaper to get stuck in. Going to cost them bad.