Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Obamacare

Day By Day November 22, 2009 – Proof of Ownership

Day By Day by Chris Muir

The issue of ownership of health care reform is an interesting one, Chris. Everyone calls it Obamacare and it IS the President who has proposed this massive government take over of the remainder of private medicine in America.

But, President Obama is NOT up for re-election next year – Congressional Democrats ARE.

House and Senate Democrats who voted either for the House bill or for cloture yesterday OWN Obamacare and will have to run on its provisions.

Flap’s bet is that American voters will NOT take too kindly to massive tax increases, public funding of abortion, subsidized care for illegal aliens and the massive redistribution of private health care to the government’s control. Of course, the Democrats deny that their bills contain these provisions – So, let’s see what comes out of the House-Senate Conference Committee, now shall we.

The chickens and Democrat Party ownership of Obamacare will come home to roost.


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One Comment

  • Rob

    That’s a funny comic, and yet terrifying too. There are many folks who would have no problem with the state taking complete control of their lives like that.