Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Obamacare

Day By Day February 26, 2010 – Wise Up

Day By Day by Chris Muir

Sam, some wives would be threatened when an EX military cohort of the husband was a partner in a business enterprise, namely the Florida Bar. Zed has enough of a real life bad dream happening at present.

Talking about “bad dreams” what about President Obama’s health care summit yesterday?

Via Hengler, a succinct statement of Jay Nordlinger’s point and of what I suspect will be the media consensus tomorrow. Not the only kind words he had for the GOP either:

The folks in the White House just must be kicking themselves right now. They thought that coming out of Baltimore when the President went in and was mesmerizing and commanding in front of the House Republicans that he could do that again here today. That would revive health care and would change the public opinion about their health care bill and they can go on to victory. Just the opposite has happened.

I watched the health care summit for a little whiole before I was off to the dental clinic and practiced real life health care – in the trenches, so to speak. From what I saw, Obama looked defensive, spiteful and “in your face, I am doing it my way anyway.”

If Congressional Democrat leaders were hoping that the President would mesmerize the country into providing them cover for budget reconciliation passage of Obamacare with a public option, they failed miserably.

Obamacare today appears to be just as dead as it was prior to the summit. Watch the Democrats in marginal House districts run for cover and strat repudiating Obama.


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