Mike Huckabee,  Mitt Romney,  President 2012,  Sarah Palin

President 2012 Poll Watch: Obama Approval 48% Vs Disapproval 43% – Leading all GOP Candidates

The latest Marist Poll has Barack Obama doing well against all possible Republican contenders.

Obama Job Approval

48% Approve, 43% Disapprove

Obama Vs. GOP Contenders

  • 56% Obama, 30% Palin
  • 51% Obama, 38% Romney
  • 50% Obama, 38% Huckabee

With poll numbers like these, I doubt there will be too much exuberance from Sarah Palin to enter the race. But, the Presidency will be decided not in national poll numbers but in a few battleground states. However, it is chilling to fundraising and donors may wish to concentrate on the U.S. Senate in 2012 and the Presidency in 2016 when the seat is open.

Besides, the GOP now controls the House and are only a few seats away from control of the Senate – which will be able to neuter any radical left overtures from Obama.


  • dale

    If any one thinks that a Repub controlled Congress,both Houses, will stop Dear Leader and his regulatory assault on this country I suggest you think again. Nothing short of his defeat and the new President countermanding all of his Exec Orders and regulatory burdens will perhaps, only perhaps, allow this country to regain its footing.

    Nowhere is it written that the USA must remain free and prosperous. Obama and his fellow travelers see America as to wealthy and prosperous, themselves excluded, of course. He must know his policies are a drag on the economy and will lead to this country’s terminal decline.

    • Gregory Flap Cole

      Yes, but most voters will listen to Obama’s slick speeches and be lulled into a sense of security since the GOP has regained the House.

      The GOP Presidential contenders will have to make their case to replace Obama, particularly in the key battleground states, or they will be rolled.

      It is always very difficult to beat an incumbent President. But, if unemployment remains high through Labor Day of this year, his re-election will be in jeopardy.