Barack Obama,  Libya,  Polling

Poll Watch: Libya Military Action by America Has Lowest Approval in Past Four Decades

According to the Gallup Poll.

The 47% of Americans approving of the action against Libya is lower than what Gallup has found when asking about approval of other U.S. military campaigns in the past four decades.

Americans showed the highest level of support for the 2001 military action in Afghanistan that was a response to the 9/11 terror attacks. Americans also widely supported U.S. airstrikes against Iraq in 1993 and the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Support for the current involvement in Libya is also much lower than support for U.S. airstrikes against Libya in 1986 in response to the Libyan bombing of a German nightclub that killed two American servicemen.

And, don’t think the political shop in the White House is not keyed into this polling result. Obama will try to extricate himself or blame someone else as soon as he possibly can.