Mike Huckabee,  Mitt Romney,  President 2012

President 2012: Anyone But Mitt Romney?

As most Flapsblog.com readers know I have never been particularly amored with Mitt Romney and his run for the Presidency – both in 2008 and in the coming campaign. Jennifer Rubin over at the Washington Post interviewed Michael Graham who has put up this website AnyoneButMitt.com.

His rationale is pretty much the CW knock on Mitt Romney. You know RomneyCare, his numerous Flip Flops on the issues, the inauthenticity.

There are a lot of Republicans so desperate to end the disaster that is the Obama administration that they’d support ANYONE if they thought he/she would win in November 2012. (Once again, see “Trump, Donald.”) The point of www.anyonebutmitt.com is to make sure GOP primary voters understand early on that Romney is a guaranteed loser.

Yes he’s slicker, better looking and better prepared today — but this is a good as Romney’s going to get. Other candidates, like [Tim] Pawlenty, [Rick] Santorum, perhaps a [Mitch] Daniels, [Paul] Ryan or [Chris] Christie, have room to grow.

And, indeed there are other candidates that either have or have not entered the race that will be more appealing than Romney – if they run. What is holding them back?

President Obama’s perceived weakness.

My best bet is that Mike Huckabee will run and win in Iowa. Next, will be New Hampshire and whoever beats Romney or comes in a strong second will go forward to South Carolina and Florida.

Mike Huckabee might be the Anyone But Mitt candidate. However, I would not rule out Mitch Daniels, Chris Christie or Paul Ryan.


  • Mike

    Dear Mitt,  


    As an analytical chemist with over 35 years experience in
    spectroscopy, lasers and atmospheric sensing, I am troubled by the lack of
    common sense regarding CO2 (carbon dioxide) emissions.


    Our greatest greenhouse gas is water.  Atmospheric spectroscopy reveals why water
    has a 95% and CO2 has a 3.6% contribution to the “greenhouse
    effect”. CO2 has only 3 significant absorption lines.  The rest of the spectrum is dominated by
    water absorption.  Approximately 3.2
    billion tons/year world wide CO2 emissions (cars & trucks)
    equals about 0.0168% of the atmosphere’s CO2 concentration of ~19
    trillion tons. This equals 0.00064% increase in the absorption of the sun’s
    radiation.  An insignificantly small
    number, this is many orders of magnitude smaller than the standard deviation
    errors for CO2 concentration measurement.


    So called “scientific” computer simulations predict global
    warming based on increased greenhouse gas emissions over time.  However, without water’s contribution taken
    into account they have omitted the largest greenhouse gas from their equations.
    How can such egregious calculation errors be so blatantly ignored? These facts
    explain why man-made global warming is “Junk” science.  The only thing “man-made” here is a
    certifiable Hoax [1].


    A 1998 scientific study shows that plants in North America’s farmlands absorbed ~ 2 billion tons more
    CO2 than the old growth forests they replaced.  That’s 0.5 billion tons more CO2
    removal than the 1.5 billion tons generated in 1998 by burning fossil fuels [2]. Experiments show that higher atmospheric
    levels of CO2 result in larger and faster growing crops [3]. 
    This provides for more efficient food production and more CO2
    removal from the atmosphere.  The
    proponents of man made climate change have their solutions and “cures” all
    wrong.  If a “greener” environment
    requires increased storage of atmospheric CO2 , then we should be
    cutting down more old growth forests for timber and planting more crops,
    grasslands and gardens.         



    Michael J. Myers



    [1]L. Johnson, “The Layman’s
    Guide Understanding the Global Warming Hoax”, Red Anvil Press, 2008.

    [2] S. Fan,    M. Gloor, J. Mahlman, S. Pacala, J.
    Sarmiento, T. Takahashi, P. Tans, “North America, A Carbon Dioxide Sink, A
    Large Terrestrial Carbon Sink in North America Implied by Atmospheric and
    Oceanic Carbon Dioxide Data and Models,” Science, Vol. 282. no. 5388, pp. 442 –
    446, 16 October 1998.

    [3] H. S. Mayeaux et. Al
    “Yield of Wheat across a Subambient Carbon Dioxide Gradient” Global Change
    Biology 3, pp269-278, 1997.

  • Truth007

    Two years into his governorship, in February 2005, Romney announced
    his opposition to stem cell research. Then, to the dismay of his
    pro-choice supporters, he vetoed a July 2005 bill making available Plan B
    or “morning after” contraception. Also that year, in an op-ed for the
    Boston Globe, he declared himself pro-life.

    Romney says he changed his mind in November 2004, when he met with a
    scientist from the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. Romney claimed in a June
    2006 interview that the researcher had told him: “‘Look, you don’t have
    to think about this stem cell research as a moral issue, because we
    kill the embryos after 14 days.'” Romney went on to say that both he and
    his chief of staff had an epiphany, recognizing that embryonic stem
    cell research cheapened respect for human life. However, the scientist
    with whom Romney had met, Dr. Douglas Melton, disputed Romney’s story. A
    spokesman for the institute confirmed Dr. Melton’s account, saying,
    “The words ‘kill’ and ‘killing’ are not in Dr. Melton’s professional
    vocabulary, a vocabulary used to discuss finding cures for diseases in
    order to save lives.”

    Was Romney an unseasoned politician who changed his views upon deep
    reflection? Stockman, of Republican Majority for Choice, thinks not. “He
    was a grown man in 2002 and very thoughtful and introspective,”
    Stockman says, “so the fact that he says he hadn’t thought through these
    issues seems very odd.” Melissa Kogut, NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts’s
    executive director, says, “It is conventional wisdom that candidates in
    Massachusetts need to be pro-choice to win. He ran as pro-choice. As he
    began exploring the run for president, he changed. No matter where you
    stand on this issue, you should question where he stands.” Angus
    McQuilken of Planned Parenthood says, “When a candidate or elected
    official can move so easily from one position to the opposite overnight,
    it leaves voters wondering whether he has any core values.”

    • Gregory Flap Cole

      Well, Mitt Romney’s flip flops on the issues are renown and well documented in his first run for the Presidency in 2008.

      And, by the way, well documented here on flapsblog.com

    • Gregory Flap Cole

      Well, Mitt Romney’s flip flops on the issues are renown and well documented in his first run for the Presidency in 2008.

      And, by the way, well documented here on flapsblog.com