• RedState.com,  Ron Paul

    Ron Paul Watch: The Red State Ban Part Two


    Eric Erickson of RedState STRIKES BACK at David All and Captain Ed Morrissey as Flap did yesterday in response to their comments in this New York Times piece.

    David is entitled to his opinion and to riding our story into the media spotlight as a professional tech consultant if he wants, but I have to question if he is too enamored by the technology the Ron Paul supporters use to see clearly what we’ve experienced, what we’ve done, and if he really, really wants these folks in his anti-Hillary coalition.

    As regular readers know, we’ve deleted all the recent offending comments and posts and shut down accounts. But, as regular readers know, the following emails I’ve gotten since we imposed the ban are also fairly identical to the types of comments and diaries we’ve shut down:….

    Indeed, Flap has received his own incendiary NUTSOID comments such as these (including some that are profane and I will not reprint):

    Comment by Mike

    2007-10-21 22:06:59

    Jews are not holy. They are not tolerant. They enjoy the dispossession and supression of whites. They have enjoyed the exploitation of Europeans. They do not like generally to live in non-white “developing” countries. They do not raise a cry about “multiculturalism” in asian countries like they do in European countries!


    Comment by Jael

    2007-10-23 14:14:53

    That is bull. Why should Mr Paul demand Stormfront withdraw their support of his campaign? I am a member of Stormfront and I know there is some “hate” stuff promoted by some, but if you read the majority of what is posted there…its pro white.

    What is wrong with being pro-white? We are a proud people who have contributed much to our civilization and have contributed to the up keep of other countries as well. We have always been a people to give to those less fortunate then we have been. Look at all the money we have sent to all of the third world countries. They never pay us back and yet we keep sending to money to them. Have you looked, really looked lately at our own country? It is being over run by illegal aliens… in some of our southern states, hospitals are shutting down because they can no longer stay open and take care of these people.

    We are a proud people…I am! I am proud to be white and I will not allow anyone to dictate to me…that I should hang my head because I am white and want to support another American for wanting to get us out of wars we do not belong in.

    I support our troops as most people at Stormfront do. We just want to brought back home to take care of our own invasion. Our southern states are over run and our own government will not stop this before the south becomes another part of Mexico. If you don’t believe this …then get on the net…take a little vacation to the states of New Mexico, Arkansaw…especially the NW area, California, Arizona…I know my own state of Illinois is starting to be over run with them in Chicago.

    Yes, we at Stormfront support Ron Paul and will continue to do so. I do not believe he has to be a White Nationalist for anyone to support him, tho I wish he were. He is an American who is trying to give back to America what we once had. A government for the people and by the people.

    Wake up, before you find yourself a second class citizen … if you are not already! Please wake up … we are in a war here to preserve the future for all white children. What is wrong with that? Why do our kids have to be bused to a place where there are nothing but other races there? Why can’t they stay in their own neighborhoods as it was when I was a child. No, I was not in the better parts of town which had better schools as some where in my town, but at least I went to school with those of my own race. What is wrong with that?

    Blacks have the black college funds…we don’t because we would be called racists.
    Blacks have their own tv channels…we don’t because we would be called racists.

    Jews have their own college funds…and they don’t even follow the rules the ADL says we have to follow here in the United States Of America. Why?

    I am truly not a person who “hates” other races … I just want to be allowed to love my own race and be proud to say I am white…and that my race has contributed many great leaders for our world. Stormfront talks about these kinds of things…we want our troops home…what is wrong with that, we need them on our own borders. We do not want to protect a country which doesn’t even follow the rules the ADL wants to shove down our throats.

    Wake up America you are being had…all races have been had and they’d better find out the enemy is not the white race…it never has been. We have helped all races ,… when are they going to return the favor?

    Ron Paul, is a start…wake up!

    As I said yesterday:

    Earth to David. When Ron Paul loses the GOP nomination his enthusiastic supporters and most of his voters will MOVE back to the Libertarian, Constitution and Reform Parties. Why do you think the Paul campaign is encouraging GOP voter registration? Most of their people have not been nor ever will be registered GOP voters.

    RedState can do and have done what is best for them. The Paulites have plenty of outlets for their enthusiasm and internet clamor. Ron Paul should hope that after he throws in the Presidential towel that some of them may stick around to help in the destined GOP primary challenge to him in his Texas Congressional District.

    Perhaps Paul will marshall them to run on the Libertarian Party Presidential ticket once again? And, then retire.

    Eric, I agree and do with your site as you feel best. I understand your frustration.

    David, is this all about you?


    Ron Paul Watch: The Red State Ban

    Ron Paul Watch: Paul Campaign Solicitation on Neo-Nazi Hate Site – The FLAP Part Two

    Representative Ron Paul Called “Certifiably Insane” in GOP Debate Focus Group

    Ron Paul Watch: Paul Campaign Solicitation on Neo-Nazi Hate Site – The FLAP

    Ron Paul Watch: The November 5 Creep Show

    Ron Paul Watch: Libertarians Rising?

    Ron Paul Watch: The Donors

    Ron Paul Watch: The Disciples or Internet Spammers?

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