• Lisa Marie Nowak,  NASA,  Space

    Michael Ramirez on Astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak


    NASA orders review of astronaut screening

    Hours after its suddenly best-known astronaut returned home an object of national derision, unwilling to show her face, NASA said Wednesday that it will reassess long-standing mental health processes for evaluating its space travelers.

    Lisa Nowak covered her head with a black windbreaker as she disembarked from a commercial flight from Florida on Wednesday morning. She walked down steps from the jetway to a police car, later switching to another car that took her to Johnson Space Center. There, medical personnel examined her.

    As doctors tried to determine Nowak’s mental and emotional state, the media continued their scrutiny of a life that veered from remarkable to sordid in the time it took for her to drive from Houston to a parking lot outside the Orlando, Fla., airport, where she is accused of assaulting a romantic rival with pepper spray as a prelude to what prosecutors contend was murder.

    Ya think?


    The Michael Rimerez Files

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