• Barack Obama,  John McCain,  Media Bias,  NBC News,  Sarah Palin

    Shocking: John McCain Gets More Negative Media Coverage Than Barack Obama

    tanning bed

    The Tanning Bed Media

    In a shocker, it is reported by the Pew Research Center that John McCain is receiving more negative media coverage than Barack Obama.

    The study, released Wednesday, examined 2,412 campaign stories from 48 news outlets during the six weeks from the end of the conventions through the final presidential debate.

    The results: While the candidates are receiving equal amounts of coverage, 59% of stories about McCain were “decidedly negative in nature,” while only 14% were positive.

    Obama hasn’t exactly been fawned over by media, but the coverage statistically has been more evenhanded, with 36% of stories clearly positive, 35% neutral or mixed, and 29% negative.

    On Sarah Palin:

    Sarah Palin coverage’s had an “up and down trajectory, moving from quite positive, to very negative, to more mixed,” the study said. The negative coverage dealt with looks into her public record and her relationship with the press. “Little of her trouble came from coverage of her personal traits or family issues,” the authors said.

    The key question: Are the media pro-Obama?

    The study said the question was not answerable by the data.

    Flap knows, then, they did not survey NBC News which is anti-McCain, anti-Palin and pro-Obama ALL OF THE TIME.

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  • Joe Klein,  John McCain,  Media Bias,  Sarah Palin,  Time Magazine

    Joe Klein Whines He Can’t Get on McCain or Palin’s Airplane


    Joe Klein of Time Magazine

    And, why would Team McCain allow this MORON on their airplanes?

    Gosh is the MSM dense.

    But, watch this video (if it stays up) and you can get an idea of Klein’s BIAS as stated in his own words.

    An interview with Time Magazine’s Joe Klein. Pay particular attention to the end where Klein ridicules Sarah Palin

    Key Response from the McCain campaign:

    Campaign spokesperson Michael Goldfarb responded that “we don’t allow Daily Kos diarists on board either.”

    Hey,Joe stop your whining and when you want to “HIT” Mac or Palin book your own flight.



    Joe Klein whimpers and tries to justify his ban.

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  • Barack Obama,  John McCain,  Media Bias

    Media Shocker: Barack Obama Issues Talking Points to Media Prior to Tonight’s Debate


    Matt Drudge has the poop.

    What a shock!

    The media being helped by the Obama campaign.

    Press Secretary Sean Smith issued the directive in an email from Pennsylvania, 12 hours before the debate.

    The memo oddly mirrors much of the main press analysis and theme of the current campaign:

    ——– Original Message ——–
    Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 09:37:27 -0500
    From: Sean Smith [s***mith@barackobama.com]
    To: Sean Smith [s***mith@barackobama.com]

    * This is John McCain’s last chance to turn this race around and somehow convince the American people that his erratic response to this economic crisis doesn’t disqualify him from being President.

    * Just this weekend the weekend, John McCain vowed to “whip Obama’s you-know-what” at the debate, and he’s indicated that he’ll be bringing up Bill Ayers to try to distract voters.

    * So we know that Senator McCain will come ready to attack Barack Obama and bring his dishonorable campaign tactics to the debate stage.

    Obama continues to lead on the economic crisis with a rescue plan for Main Street.

    * Over the course of the campaign, Barack Obama has laid out a set of policies that will grow our middle class and strengthen our economy.

    * But he knows we face an immediate economic emergency that requires urgent action – on top of the plans he’s already laid out – to help workers and families and communities struggling right now.

    * That’s why Barack Obama is introducing a comprehensive four-part Rescue Plan for the Middle Class – to immediately to stabilize our financial system, provide relief to families and communities, and help struggling homeowners.

    * This is a plan that can and should be implemented immediately.

    * Obama has shown steady leadership during this crisis and offered concrete solutions to move the country forward – and his Rescue Plan for the Middle Class builds on the plans to strengthen the economy and rebuild the middle class that he’s laid out over the course of this campaign.

    * Already in this campaign, he’s unveiled plans to give 95 percent of workers and their families a tax cut, eliminate income taxes for seniors making under $50,000, bring down the cost of health care for families and businesses; and create millions of new jobs by investing in the renewable energy sources.

    * John McCain has been erratic and unsteady since this crisis began – staggering from position to position and trying to change the subject away from the economy by launching false character attacks.

    What a surprise! The MSM is in the tank for “The One.”

    Stop the presses.

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  • Barack Obama,  Blogging Matters,  Media,  Media Bias,  Sarah Palin

    Day By Day by Chris Muir October 9, 2008 – Comfort Levels

    day by day 100908

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    In Wisconsin today there were American voters attending the McCain-Palin townhall meeting bashing the MSM and recommending that McCain and Palin attack Barack Obama more. The candidates both smiled at the suggestions.

    Americans are beginning to understand media bias and must make their voices heard through the commercial marketplace by protesting sponsorships or refusing to watch or purchase their programming.

    The “in the tank” coverage of Barack Obama during this election cycle  will profoundly affect the public’s attitude toward America media and precipitate further collapse of traditional MSM print newspapers and magazines.

    Count on it……


    In blogging matters, Flap has returned home from Las Vegas and blogging has returned to a more normal routine.


    The Day By Day Archive

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  • Barney Frank,  George Soros,  Media Bias,  Nancy Pelosi,  NBC,  NBC News

    The Forbidden SNL Soros/Sandler Skit – Now Edited and Redacted


    Herbert and Marion Sandler – People who should be shot

    The Forbidden Saturday Nigh Live skit featuring George Soros, Herbert and Marion Sandler and the pols that enabled them has been reposted as per editing and redaction by NBC.

    The original SNL skit is here at Pat Dollard’s blog.

    Michelle Malkin posted screens shots and a complete transcript here.

    And, here is the edited skit as reposted at NBC:

    So, why was the original skit taken down and censored?

    The company line is that the skit “didn’t meet their standards.”

    A “Saturday Night Live” skit that skewered President Bush, Democrats, homebuyers and subprime lenders for their roles in the mortgage meltdown was removed from the program’s website because it “didn’t meet out standards,” a spokesman for the show said Tuesday. An edited version of the skit will be re-posted online soon, the spokesman said.

    The skit, a parody of a C-SPAN news conference, ridiculed subprime borrowers, housing speculators and Herb and Marion Sandler, the real-life couple who built Golden West Financial into a subprime lending powerhouse and sold it to Wachovia before the subprime collapse. At one point in the skit, the Herb Sandler character says he made $24 billion off the subprime boom. Graphics then appear labeling the Sandlers as “People who should be shot.”

    “Upon review, we caught certain elements in the sketch that didn’t meet our standards,” a spokesman for the program said in an e-mail message today. “We took it down and made some minor changes, and it will be back online soon.”

    The Left dismisses the FLAP as just “sketch comedy” and nothing sinister. Oh Really?


    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, George Soros and Rep. Barney Frank

    But, there were MORE than minor changes.

    In an interview with Gold, the show’s executive producer, Lorne Michaels, said the Sandlers were distraught but had not demanded the changes. He noted the “People who should be shot” line was deleted as was a reference to their “corrupt activities.”

    But a comparison of the two versions shows that actually a little more than that was cut. What also was excised was any mention of the involvement of Massachusetts’ Rep. Frank in the Sandler subprime mess…

    In the original skit Sandler addresses Frank, saying, “And thank you Congressman Frank as well as many Republicans for helping block Congressional oversight of our corrupt activities.”

    To which Frank replies enthusiastically, “Not at all!”

    Let’s face it folks, there has been “PRESSURE” placed on NBC to edit or even remove the skit. They have resisted because of the overt censorship of the flap but made changes as a remedy when the lawsuits come. And, the will.

    The fact is the Democrats, notably Congressman Barney Frank and their left-wing billionaire friends of George Soros and Herbert/Marion Sandler have been complicit in the financial meltdown which is at hand. The skit offered cynical transparency.

    The parties involved did not like it and attempted to quash the speech. But…..the SNL skit had already aired.

    Now, all of America knows and there WILL BE repercussions.


    John McCain Should Use SNL Video to Bash Congressional Democrats and Bush Over Subprime Loan/Fannie Mae Crisis

    The Forbidden SNL Soros/Sandler Skit

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  • Barney Frank,  George Soros,  Media Bias,  Nancy Pelosi,  NBC,  NBC News

    The Forbidden SNL Soros/Sandler Skit


    Flap posted about this Saturday Night Live skit yesterday and embedded the video from NBC. Shortly thereafter the video disappeared.

    Pat Dollard has the skit here. Go and watch it before he gets the obligatory CEASE and DESIST letter from the NBC Universal attorneys.

    Michelle Malkin has the screenshots and a full transcript.

    NBC is furiously erasing its tracks. Any attempts to upload the forbidden SNL bailout skit skewering George Soros and his left-wing subprime schemer friends Herbert and Marion Sandler will likely be squashed. So, I transcribed the whole comedy sketch for you and provided screenshots for the 7-minute video that has disappeared from NBC and Hulu. (Pat Dollard’s blog has posted the full clip on its server. Thanks to Ms. Underestimated for the .wmv file.)

    The hits on the Sandlers ( “People who should be shot”) and Soros ( “Owner, Democratic Party”) occur near the end of the skit.

    So much for freedom of speech.

    More information on the Sandlers here and their involvement with subprime mortgage loans and Wachovia Bank.


    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, George Soros and Rep. Barney Frank

    Want to bet whether George Soros threatens NBC Universal with a lawsuit along with the Sandlers? Or will NBC News allow him to explain on Meet The Press?

    Flap bets the former.

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  • Media,  Media Bias,  Sarah Palin,  Washington Post

    Political Cartoons and the Double Standard at the Washington Post


    A summary display of the Mohammed cartoons that sparked riots last year throughout the Muslim world

    The Washington Post would not publish the Mohammed cartoons which sparked controversy and riots last year yet will allow this Pat Oliphant cartoon mocking Sarah Palin and Pentecostal Christian religions to be run on their website.


    Here is the HYPOCRITICAL explanation by the Washington Post, Ombudsman, Deborah Howell.

    Most complainers thought that the Oliphant cartoon appeared in print. It didn’t. I showed it to several Post editors. While it was clever in some ways, most editors — including me — would not have run it. The Post has a policy against defaming or perpetuating racial, religious or ethnic stereotypes. That was why The Post did not run the Danish cartoons about the prophet Muhammad.

    Is there any wonder why newspapers like the Washington Post are losing subscribers and are failing in the world marketplace of ideas? If the Post must have standards apply them equally.

    But, we all know this will NEVER happen. The Washington Post’s standards are just an excuse for censorship to perpetuate their left-wing bias.

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