• Americans United for Life,  Carly Fiorina

    Video: Carly Fiorina Speaks at Americans United for Life 40th Anniversary Gala

    Carly Fiorina speaks at Americans United for Life’s 40th Anniversary Gala on November 2, 2011, at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. Fiorina is introduced by AUL President & CEO Charmaine Yoest. The benediction is said by Paige Cunningham.

    I remember during the primary campaign for California United States Senate when Chuck DeVore challenged Fiorina’s pro-life credentials. Well, DeVore and others were wrong and Fiorina went on to win the GOP nomination over him and pro-choice Tom Campbell.

    Unfortunately, Fiorina lost to the very pro-abortion Senator Barbara Boxer in the November 2010 general election.

    Carly is now with the National Republican Senatorial Committee and it is good to see her speaking again.