• Charles Koch,  David Koch

    Video: Look What the Big Bad Capitalist Koch Brothers Did to My Community

    Well, I am being a little disingenuous in the headline of the post. I live in Thousand Oaks, California and what the Koch Brothers did through their company Koch Membrane Systems is in Santa Paula, California which is about a 30 minutes drive from here.

    What did the Kochs (You know those dirty capitalists who support all of those right-wing (pro-business) think tanks/conferences and rail against the LEFT in this country) do?

    In Santa Paula the Kochs helped build a state of the art water recycling plant to help the environment – as well as the folks that live there.

    The Santa Paula water recycling facility (WRF) is a membrane bioreactor (MBR)-based, 3.4MGD (expandable to 4.2MGD) water recycling facility located in the City of Santa Paula, California. The new facility is the first of its kind built under California’s Government Code Section 5956, which promotes public-private partnerships in public infrastructure projects.

    Construction was completed in December 2009 and the facility became fully operational in May 2010, seven months ahead of the Regional Board compliance deadline.

    And, why the replacement facility?

    Before commissioning the new facility, the City of Santa Paula was served by a wastewater treatment plant built in 1939. It had reached the end of its service life and required replacement.

    The original plant was also unable to comply with the waste discharge requirements of the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.

    The non-compliance discharges were being transferred into the Santa Clara River, as a result of which the city faced fines of over $8m from the State Regional Water Quality Control Board.

    In May 2007, a consent judgement given to the state allowed that it could apply the fines toward construction of a new wastewater treatment facility, if completed by December 2010. Following the judgement, the city decided to replace its old plant with a new wastewater recycling facility.

    Frankly, I don’t know what to say – either the Koch Brothers have gone “GREEN” or maybe, just maybe, the media portrayals of these BUSINESSMEN have been a little skewed.

    I know what the residents of Santa Paula think…..

  • Charles Koch,  Clarence Thomas,  Common_Cause,  David Koch

    Common Cause Apologizes After The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest Crowd Call for the Lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas

    “Uncloaking the Kochs” rally sponsored by Common Cause, AFFCE, The Ruckus Society, 350, Greenpeace, Code Pink, the Progessive Democrats of America, and others. Staged outside venue of Koch Brothers conference in Palm Springs.

    Well, Common Cause who along with other Far Left organizations got caught with their UNHINGED conduct and now they have apologized.

    Common Cause’s 40 year history of holding power accountable has been marked by a commitment to decency and civility – in public and private. So we are of course outraged to find that a few of those attending the events around a gathering Common Cause helped to organize Sunday near Palm Springs voiced hateful, narrow-minded sentiments to an interviewer in the crowd.

    We condemn bigotry and hate speech in every form, even when it comes from those who fancy themselves as our friends.

    Anyone who has attended a public event has encountered people whose ideas or acts misrepresented, even embarrassed, the gathering. Every sporting event has its share of “fans” whose boorish behavior on the sidelines makes a mockery of good sportsmanship; every political gathering has a crude sign-painter or epithet-spewing heckler.

    We organized the “Uncloak the Kochs” panel discussion and took part in the rally afterwards to call public attention to the political power of Koch Industries and other corporations, their focus on expanding that power, and the dangers it presents to our democracy.

    We’re committed to staging other forums and public events in the coming months to continue that effort. We urge all Americans of good will to join us.


    Common Cause is a nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy organization founded in 1970 by John Gardner as a vehicle for citizens to make their voices heard in the political process and to hold their elected leaders accountable to the public interest.

    Uh Huh!

    Sorry Common Cause, you knew what you were getting when you had the Far Left and Big Labor bus those folks in for your ASTROTURF – Moonbats who are far outside mainstream America.

    Let’s just call a Moonbat a Moonbat shouldn’t we?

    And, how about a personal apology to U.S Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas?


    Video: The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest Crowd Call for the Lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas

    The Uncloaking the Koch Street Protest: The Kochs Vs. Soros

    Updated: The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest is On in Rancho Mirage; Arrests Made; 25 Arrested

    Updated: The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest is On in Rancho Mirage; Arrests Made

    Far-Left Hot Air Flying Above the Koch Conference

    Audio: Common Cause Holds Teleconference to Bash Weekend Koch Sponsored Conference – Uncloaking the Kochs?

    Who is Sponsoring the “Uncloaking the Kochs” Protest?

    The LEFT ala Saul Alinsky Protest Koch Brothers Conference

    110131kochprotesthmed43 The Uncloaking the Koch Street Protest: The Kochs Vs. Soros

  • Charles Koch,  David Koch

    Video: The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest Crowd Call for the Lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas

    “Uncloaking the Kochs” rally sponsored by Common Cause, AFFCE, The Ruckus Society, 350, Greenpeace, Code Pink, the Progessive Democrats of America, and others. Staged outside venue of Koch Brothers conference in Palm Springs.

    You remember the protest and all of the nonsense that preceded it.

    Now, here is video from the UNHINGED crowd, most of them bussed in by Common Cause with the help of Big Labor.

    We were then ushered outside to the parking lot across from the hotel in which the Koch brothers were holding a meeting, whereupon we were encouraged to yell at the building, decrying not only the Kochs, but Justices Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia for their Citizens United ruling. Oh, and Fox News while we were at it.

    We were joined by at least half a dozen busloads of public sector union members and common demonstrators from AFFCE, The Ruckus Society, 350, Greenpeace, Code Pink, and the Progressive Democrats of America, among others, without whose valuable contributions to the yelling, the rally would’ve been just a lousy bust. Video camera in hand, I purposely engaged them to get beyond their programmed talking points, only to find some rather colorful agenda items – particularly for Justice Thomas.

    Well, what do you expect from the Far Left?

    Moonbattery, of course.

    But, the calls to have Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas hanged, stringed up, tortured and sent back to the fields are a little much, you think?. The other Justices were afforded SUCH civility too, but you will have to watch the video for the fun. No wonder the Far Left, wealthy sponsors of SUCH civil discourse want to remain anonymous. But, I will mention them anyway: George Soros (from whom Common Cause has received $2 million over the past eight years) Peter Lewis, John Doerr, Julian Robertson, Nicolas Berggruen, and many others. 


    The Uncloaking the Koch Street Protest: The Kochs Vs. Soros

    Updated: The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest is On in Rancho Mirage; Arrests Made; 25 Arrested

    Updated: The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest is On in Rancho Mirage; Arrests Made

    Far-Left Hot Air Flying Above the Koch Conference

    Audio: Common Cause Holds Teleconference to Bash Weekend Koch Sponsored Conference – Uncloaking the Kochs?

    Who is Sponsoring the “Uncloaking the Kochs” Protest?

    The LEFT ala Saul Alinsky Protest Koch Brothers Conference

    110131kochprotesthmed43 The Uncloaking the Koch Street Protest: The Kochs Vs. Soros

  • Center for American Progress,  Charles Koch,  Common_Cause,  David Koch

    The Uncloaking the Koch Street Protest: The Kochs Vs. Soros

    Photo from yesterday’s The Uncloacking the Kochs street protest

    As Tim Carney aptly points out in his piece the Koch Conference street protest yesterday is really a fight between free markets and state coercion. A fight between the Koch brothers and George Soros sponsored LEFTIST organizations.

    At the front gates of the Rancho Las Palmas resort, a few hundred liberals rallied Sunday against “corporate greed” and polluters. They chanted for the arrest of billionaires Charles and David Koch, and their ire was also directed at the other free market-oriented businessmen invited here by the Koch brothers to discuss free markets and electoral strategies.

    Billionaires poisoning our politics was the central theme of the protests. But nothing is quite as it seems in modern politics: The protest’s organizer, the nonprofit Common Cause, is funded by billionaire George Soros.

    Common Cause has received $2 million from Soros’s Open Society Institute in the past eight years, according to grant data provided by Capital Research Center. Two panelists at Common Cause’s rival conference nearby — President Obama’s former green jobs czar, Van Jones, and blogger Lee Fang — work at the Center for American Progress, which was started and funded by Soros but, as a 501(c)4 nonprofit “think tank,” legally conceals the names of its donors.

    In other words, money from billionaire George Soros and anonymous, well-heeled liberals was funding a protest against rich people’s influence on politics.

    When Politico reporter Ken Vogel pointed out that Soros hosts similar “secret” confabs, CAP’s Fang responded on Twitter: “don’t you think there’s a very serious difference between donors who help the poor vs. donors who fund people to kill government, taxes on rich?”

    In less than 140 characters, Fang had epitomized the myopic liberal view of money in politics: Conservative money is bad, and linked to greed, while liberal money is self-evidently philanthropic.

    You can hear CAP’s Lee Fang in his own words try to explain the difference between the LEFT’S private fundraising confabs and those of the Koch’s here in last Thursdays Common Cause teleconference.

    So, Big Labor busses out its minions and the FAR LEFT (see some of the sponsoring organizations here) puts on an UNCIVIL display, 25 people are arrested.


    According to an eye-witness who contacted me by e-mail, protesters shouted “traitors,” held signs that said “Koch Kills” and chanted “No justice, no peace” outside the hotel.

    A Koch representative whom I contacted had this comment on the day’s events: “This is the kind of ‘civil debate’ the left wants to have after Tucson?” One additional note: Inside the same conference center as the conservatives was a conference of judges from the Ninth Circuit. The recent death of a federal judge in Arizona did not give the mob pause about the propriety of their actions.

    All Saul Alinsky type symbolism over substance with FAR LEFT hypocrisy over flowing = #EPIC FAIL.


    Updated: The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest is On in Rancho Mirage; Arrests Made; 25 Arrested

    Updated: The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest is On in Rancho Mirage; Arrests Made

    Far-Left Hot Air Flying Above the Koch Conference

    Audio: Common Cause Holds Teleconference to Bash Weekend Koch Sponsored Conference – Uncloaking the Kochs?

    Who is Sponsoring the “Uncloaking the Kochs” Protest?

    The LEFT ala Saul Alinsky Protest Koch Brothers Conference

    koch1web Updated: The Uncloaking the Kochs Street Protest is On in Rancho Mirage; Arrests Made
  • Charles Koch,  David Koch,  Saul Alinsky,  Tea Party

    Audio: Common Cause Holds Teleconference to Bash Weekend Koch Sponsored Conference – Uncloaking the Kochs?

    Common Cause Teleconference regarding the “Uncloak the Kochs” Protest, January 27, 2011

    The teleconference wasn’t much because the “Uncloaking Kochs” protest isn’t very much.

    You remember the information on the Saul Alinsky type street protest
    which will protest the Koch brothers right to free speech and assembly this weekend in the Palm Springs area of California.

    So, you ask, what is the big deal?

    Guess who’s holding a super secret, ill-intentioned meeting this weekend in Palm Springs, California? The nefarious Koch brothers – nefarious because they donate to conservative causes, of course.

    Already, leftist groups are beginning to fulminate (against what, it’s not quite clear), insisting that there’s something inherently corrupt in the free assembly of the Koch brothers and their cohorts.

    Take today’s conference call on the subject, conducted by Common Cause, featuring such liberal luminaries as former Clinton Labor secretary Robert Reich, disgraced former Obama official and Center for American Progress scholar Van Jones and his colleague Lee Fang, and DeAnn McKewan, co-president of California Nurses Association (yeah, I hadn’t heard of her either).

    Reich sounded the Koch alarm: “their ongoing biannual meetings epitomize the problems that our democracy are facing right now,” he told the participants on the conference call. These meetings, he said, are a “perfect storm for democracy,” because the Koch brothers are rich and can participate in politics, “and we have secrecy – it’s all in secret.”

    So, the Koch brothers hold private assemblies, participate in politics, and are, therefore, a threat to our democracy. Got it?

    OK, I get it. The Koch brothers have a lot of money, donate to conservative causes, think tanks and candidates (all within the law) and the FAR LEFT and BIG LABOR don’t like it.

    Listen to the entire audio above and smile as to how stupid and ridiculous the LEFT can be. They REALLY are.

    This weekend conference is NO different than countless others that are held every weekend and with folks who meet to represent their industry or political ideology within the American political process. I have been to plenty through my career for organized dentistry, for example.

    If you even listen hard enough to the audio above, you will hear two of the speakers try to answer the question as to why this conference is any different than any other?

    The answer: The Kochs have more money.


    It is not any different, yet organized Labor will send its minions into the streets with idiotic signs to make asses out of themselves, protesting people in suits, listening to speakers talking about limited government. Real dangerous stuff here.


    Who is Sponsoring the “Uncloaking the Kochs” Protest?

    The LEFT ala Saul Alinsky Protest Koch Brothers Conference

  • Charles Koch,  David Koch,  Saul Alinsky,  Tea Party

    Who is Sponsoring the “Uncloaking the Kochs” Protest?

    Previous Koch Conference attendees conservatives include former Attorney General Edwin Meese, Rush Limbaugh, Senator Jim DeMint and Senator John Cornyn et. al.

    Remember the flap and the Saul Alinsky style street protest which I mentioned yesterday?

    This morning it has been picked up by Politico.

    This weekend, for the eighth straight year, the billionaire Koch brothers will convene a meeting of roughly 200 wealthy businessmen, Republican politicians and conservative activists for a semi-annual conference to raise millions of dollars for the institutions that form the intellectual foundation – and, increasingly, the leading political edge – of the conservative movement.

    In the past, the meetings have drawn an A-list of participants – politicians like Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, leading free-market thinkers including American Enterprise Institute president Arthur Brooks, talkers Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and even Supreme Court justices – to mingle with the wealthy donors who comprise the bulk of the invitees. The meetings adjourned after soliciting pledges of support from the donors – sometimes totaling as much as $50 million – to non-profit groups favored by the Kochs.

    For the most part, the meetings, which are closed to the public and reporters, have attracted little attention outside conservative circles. But very different circumstances surround the Koch conference set to begin Saturday at an exclusive resort outside Palm Springs, Calif.

    The Koch brothers – Charles and David – have come under intense scrutiny recently for their role in helping start and fund some of the deepest-pocketed groups involved in organizing the tea party movement such as Americans for Prosperity, and for steering cash towards efforts to target President Barack Obama, his healthcare overhaul, and congressional Democrats in the run-up to the 2010 election.

    Liberal critics have launched a campaign to highlight what they say is the systematic way in which the Kochs use their political giving to advance a conservative economic and regulatory agenda designed to further the interests of their oil, chemical and manufacturing empire.

    So, who is behind the protest of this conference? The usual LEFT organizations but let’s take a close look.

    1. Common Cause –  sponsoring organization of the Uncloak the Kochs – The Billionaires Causcus and its Threat to Our Democracy.

    2. California Labor Federation

    3. Courage Campaign

    4. California Nurses Association

    5. Code Pink

    6. ACLU

    7. Sierra Club

    8. Greenpeace

    9. AFSCME

    10. MoveOn

    There are others, but you get the point – The FAR LEFT and BIG LABOR.

    What a shock.

    And, Big Labor is helping organize the turnout and bus rides down to the Palm Springs area to protest on the streets. This is how they roll.

    But, what is there to protest? Politics? Fundraising? Political Activism? Hobnobbing with the rich and famous?

    While the Koch conferences have taken on an undeniably political edge – a June summit featured sessions on voter mobilization efforts for the 2010 midterms as well as solicitations for an ad campaign attacking Democratic lawmakers – those who have attended say the meetings say the critics have it all wrong.

    “The main goal of the seminars appeared to me to be education on the challenges that face the American system of free enterprise and democracy, and what people can do about them,” said Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a conservative Republican who has attended at least seven of the meetings.

    McDonnell, who is not attending this weekend’s conference, said he was introduced to the gatherings by “free market friends up in Northern Virginia, some in the Koch enterprises institution,” and he cast the conferences as playing an important role in the political process.

    “Groups on the right, left and in the middle get together all over this great country to exercise their first amendment rights to talk about these issues – some of them are public. Some of them are closed meetings,” he said. “So, to the degree that some on the left may be trying to attack these Koch seminars is really ridiculous.”

    Really ridiculous is correct. This is good government in action and the LEFT hypocritically runs the same type conferences and accepts money from large donors like George Soros – hello!

    This entire protest is a Saul Alinsky type of exercise to ridicule/humiliate/demonize the RIGHT for the benefit of the LEFT – that is all.

    I don’t think it will work.


    The LEFT ala Saul Alinsky Protest Koch Brothers Conference

  • Charles Koch,  David Koch,  Saul Alinsky,  Tea Party

    The LEFT ala Saul Alinsky Protest Koch Brothers Conference

    Charles and David Koch of Koch Industries MIT-trained brothers turned family oil refining firm into America’s second largest private company. Koch Industries has stakes in pipelines, refineries, fertilizer, fibers and polymers, forest and consumer products, chemical technology. Sales in 2008: $110 billion. Brothers each own 42% of company. Employs 80,000 people and operates in 60 countries.

    Looks like the LEFT Counter-Movement has returned to Southern California to Saul Alinsky protest conservative/libertarian activists Charles and David Koch.

    A broad coalition of consumer, community, labor, environmental, student, civil liberties, and faith-based groups are sponsoring a rally in Rancho Mirage (near Palm Springs, California) next Sunday, January 30 to protest and draw attention to a secret meeting of right-wing billionaires and millionaires who are the key funders of the Tea Party, conservative think tanks like Cato Institute, and the extreme right wing of the Republican Party.

    The leaders of this group, the Koch brothers, oil billionaires, have invited like-minded big-money conservatives to a behind-closed-doors three-day summit at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort in Rancho Mirage to plot their strategy for the 2012 elections. Their agenda is simple: Roll back consumer and workplace protections everywhere, including the environment, health care, credit cards, banks, occupational safety, workers’ rights, and more. Thousands of progressives are mobilizing to peacefully and creatively call them out.

    Yeah, the New York Times last Fall received a “leaked” invitation and the LEFT cannot resist getting down and Saul Alinsky dirty with the Kochs. Here is the  nefarious invitation:

    Real ominous, isn’t it?

    This is the eight time in the Palm Springs, California area that the confab will be held. But, this year, the LEFT WILL organize street protests – and for what? Raising money and discussing how to affect government policy which affect their businesses – oh and playing politics.

    Hello, isn’t this the American political system?

    But, it seems the LEFT, beaten badly in the November elections nationally wants to create a scene ala Saul Alinsky Crash the Tea Party “movement.”

    I’ll have more later on who is behind this protest.

    Hint: The usual LEFTY players

  • Charles Koch,  David Koch,  Jerry Brown,  Jodie Evans

    Charles and David Koch: Covert Operations?

    Charles and David Koch of Koch Industries MIT-trained brothers turned family oil refining firm into America’s second largest private company. Koch Industries has stakes in pipelines, refineries, fertilizer, fibers and polymers, forest and consumer products, chemical technology. Sales in 2008: $110 billion. Brothers each own 42% of company. Employs 80,000 people and operates in 60 countries.

    The New Yorker does a hit piece against these billionaire titans of business and industry. Their company, Koch Industries, website is here.

    As if earning and spending your OWN money in order to influence public opinion is a crime or something.

    And, the title is extremely misleading because the Kochs’ opposition to the Far Left Anti-Capitalism Agenda of the Democrats and specifically President Barack Obama is widely known.

    Oh yeah and the writer had to mention that their father was a founding member of the John Birch Society. Well, Non-Reagan, I mean Ron Reagan’s father was a Republican President, too.