• Barbara Boxer,  Carly Fiorina,  Willie Brown

    CA-Sen Video: Barbara Boxer Lacks a “Ground Game” Says Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown

    I am not really surprised as the Democrats have not really been motivated like they were when Obama was running two years ago.

    Just got back from Willie Brown’s annual pre-election breakfast in San Francisco — a place for donors and pols to schmooze. Even Guv Schwarzenegger showed up (to a standing O, no less).

    After we fought through the line of folks there to kiss Willie’s ring afterwards, we asked the Da Mayor about something one of the morning’s speakers, former Gov. Gray Davis campaign czar Garry South, said about the lack of a Democratic ground operation.

    South, who also ran Brown’s erstwhile primary opponent Gavin Newsom’s gov campaign, also praised Republican Meg Whitman for setting up an “operation unlike anything we’ve ever seen in California.”

    Willie agreed — about the Dems.

    “I do not believe that Jerry Brown has a ground operation,” Willie said. He also wonders if it is a good idea for the Dems to rely so heavily on labor for their ground operation. We wrote about labor’s efforts microtargeting efforts here.

    South told the gathering that unless Jerry Brown has a lead of 7 or 8 points going into election day, “we’re in serious trouble.”

    A Labor based GOTV (Get Out the Vote) campaign for Barbara Boxer will NOT be as effective as the Obama ground operation in 2008. How effective it is, may very well decide the election of Carly Fiorina.

    If the polls show a few points, within the margin of error, lead for Barbara Boxer going into the last weekend, she is likely toast.