Illegal Immigration,  Politics

Illegal Immigration Watch: Ending Birthright Citizenship and/or Build a Barrier

Armored vehicles from a reconnaissance squadron based in Fort Lewis, Wash., were stationed along a 20-mile stretch of highway 9 between Columbus and Playas, N.M., yesterday, watching for illegal immigrants.

The Washington Times has GOP mulls ending birthright citizenship

House Republicans are looking closely at ending birthright citizenship and building a barrier along the entire U.S.-Mexico border as they search for solutions to illegal immigration.

A task force of party leaders and members active on immigration has met since the summer to try to figure out where consensus exists, and several participants said those two ideas have floated to the top of the list of possibilities to be included either in an immigration-enforcement bill later this year or in a later comprehensive immigration overhaul.

The United States should enact them both.

Many areas of Los Angeles County are like third world Mexico – South America and the illegal population birthrate of “U.S. born Anchor Babies” is growing with each month.

Several lawmakers said the U.S. and Mexico are the only major Western countries to have birthright citizenship. Most European countries have moved away from birthright citizenship in recent decades.

It is time to examine this issue and pass a constituional amendment if a statute will not suffice.

Meanwhile, the idea of a fence or other barrier also is gaining support.

At this week’s “unity dinner,” House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, Illinois Republican, said he supports a barrier system of fences in some places and electronic surveillance or vehicle barriers in others, one participant said.

Border barriers received a big boost yesterday when Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican and chairman of the Armed Services Committee, announced a broad enforcement bill with a fence as its centerpiece.

“The fence works,” Mr. Hunter said. He led the fight earlier in this Congress to complete a 14-mile section of fence near San Diego, and he and other members said the success there gives the idea momentum.

Both ideas have merit and Flap handicaps the GOP will rework their illegal immigration enforcement policies.

Flap’s recommendation to the President: Forget a Guest Worker/Amnesty type program and concentrate on decreasing the incentive for Mexican illegal immigrants to cross the border, including employer sanctions.

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