
Israel at War Watch: Hezbollah Has Fired a New Rocket Striking Deeper Into Israel


AP: Hezbollah Says It Has Fired a New Rocket

Hezbollah said it fired a new rocket, called Khaibar-1, striking near the Israeli town of Afula, south of Haifa. Israeli authorities reported that five rockets hit fields outside Afula, causing no casualties.

The strike came two days after Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised speech that Hezbollah would start a new phase in the battle striking beyond the Israeli city of Haifa, which has been hit several times in lethal rocket fire.

In an escalation of the range of Hezbollah attacks on Israel, Hezboolah steps up civilian casualities as they continue to fire unguided rockets deeper into northern Israel. Israel may decide on a wider ground invasion to secure territory from the range of the longer range rockets. And, why not?


An Israeli worker of Nahariya’s hospital in northern Israel looks at the damage in a room hit by a rocket, fired by Hezbollah guerrillas from Lebanon, Friday, July 28, 2006. Israel decided not to expand its battle with Hezbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon for now, but the Cabinet authorized the army to call up 30,000 reserve soldiers in case the fighting intensified.

The area around Afula, 30 miles south of the Israeli-Lebanese border area, has been struck before, but Israeli security officials said Friday’s attacks were the southernmost so far.


Israel must be given sufficient time to clear the Hezbollah militia from southern Lebanon and disarm Hezbollah’s rocket firing capability. A partial clearing of Hezbollah will only postpone hostilities for another year or two.

Flap handicaps the United States and its allies will allow Israel to clear and disarm Hezbollah without constraint – despite the efforts of the United Nations and European Union.

Stay tuned……


Rockets hit Ma’alot Friday noon


Israel at War Watch: Iran’s President Ahmadinejad Presses for Israeli- Hezbollah Cease-Fire

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