Illegal Immigration,  President 2008

Will Illegal Immigration Be a 2008 Wedge Issue for the GOP?

Graphic Courtesy of the Lone Star Times: A fake Driver’s License?

Let’s see:

1. Anchor babies

2. Illegal aliens flooding emergency rooms for “FREE” medical care including the birth of their anchor babies

3. Fraudulent social security cards

4. Fake driver’s licenses and driving with no insurance

5. Mexican gangs, importation of Mexican methamphetamine and criminal activity

To name just a few issues that Mort Kondrake fails to mention.

Flap thinks illegal immigration WILL be a GOP “WEDGE ISSUE” in the 2008 Presidential race.

And the States Kondrake mentions are either RED states like Arizona and Florida or are low electoral vote states like Nevada and New Mexico. Nevada having a large import of non-Hispanic California voters since the last census.

Mort would be better to leave “the Beltway” and travel to the Western United States to understand the impacts. Then, he could return to the Midwest and South to see how illegal aliens are taking entry level jobs from native-born Americans.

Stay tuned……


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