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    Flap’s Links and Comments for April 14th on 15:29

    These are my links for April 14th from 15:29 to 17:54:

    • Mitt Romney Picks Up Florida Rep. Connie Mack Endorsement – Mitt Romney has picked up another important Florida endorsement as he continues to build his network in the crucial primary state ahead of his probable run for president. U.S. Rep. Connie Mack IV has said that he will support the former Massachusetts governor because of his economic background and leadership.

      "We need true leadership in the White House with someone who is uniquely qualified to grow the economy and create the quality jobs that Americans deserve and need, " Mack told the St. Petersburg Times.

      Mack, who supported Romney in 2008, is a popular Republican congressman in southern Florida, and was expected to run for U.S. Senate but decided against it in a surprising move last month.

      Former Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida and powerful state Senator John Thrasher also said last month that he would also support a Romney 2012 candidacy.

      "If Governor Romney decides to run for president in 2012, I will absolutely be supporting him and helping him in Florida," Thrasher told FOX in March." He would be a great GOP nominee." 


      Romney has had a good week in Florida. He has led in two polls and now these endorsements.

    • As California economy stumbles, Medi-Cal costs climb – In California’s state Capitol, they call it counter-cyclical, a mundane term used to describe the volatile rollercoaster effect of a bad economy on government-run social programs. As the economy and tax revenues decline, demand for many state-run programs increases, putting more stress on the budget just when it can handle it least.

      The grand daddy of all counter-cyclical programs: Medi-Cal, the state and federal program that provides health care for the poor.

      “In California, the primary catalyst of growth in the Medi-Cal program in recent years has been the economic downturn,” said Anthony Cava of the Department of Health Care Services, which manages the Medi-Cal program.

      Medi-Cal is California’s version of the nationally implemented Medicaid program and it provides more than 7.7 million low-income families, children, and elderly, and disabled Californians will health care and other vital human resources. Costs for the program are split by the federal and state governments, with a total price tag of about $53 billion this year.


      Not too shocking.

      And, they will grow astronomically under ObamaCare.

      But, what businesses will be left in California to pay the tab for everyone, including the millions of illegal immigrants?