• Nancy Pelosi,  Republican National Committee

    Video: The Obligatory Nancy Pelosi = Pussy Galore Post

    Republican National Committee video on Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

    The Politico has tried to make a big deal of the “below the belt” shot at Nancy Pelosi.

    She’s the 69-year-old speaker of the House of Representatives, second in the line of succession and the most powerful woman in U.S. history.

    But when you see Nancy Pelosi, the Republican National Committee wants you to think “Pussy Galore.”

    At least that’s the takeaway from a video released by the committee this week – a video that puts Pelosi side-by-side with the aforementioned villainess from the 1964 James Bond film “Goldfinger.”

    The RNC video, which begins with the speaker’s head in the iconic spy-series gun sight, implies that Pelosi has used her feminine wiles to dodge the truth about whether or not she was briefed by the CIA on the use of waterboarding in 2002. While the P-word is never mentioned directly, in one section the speaker appears in a split screen
    alongside the Bond nemesis – and the video’s tagline is “Democrats Galore.”

    Flap says BFD.

    You think this is sexist?


    Flap’s friend Darleen Click has the answer.

    First off, we can probably question why little Ms. Andie’s editorial is listed in the “news” section of Politico. Secondly, we can then wonder where Ms. Andie was when Her Lord and Savior Obama was (using her metric of OUTRAGE over teh sexism) much less subtle in calling Sarah Palin a pig and flipping the bird to Hillary Clinton.

    Two other women friends of Flap “GET IT.”


    Well, booh-frickin’-whoo. Where was Politico when the Dems were calling Condoleezza Rice the “house negro“?

    Little Miss Attila:

    No, I don’t think the idea of the video below was to call the Speaker of the House a “pussy,” though the final tagline does allude to the Pussy Galore character, and does indeed imply that Nancy Pelosi is on the wrong side here, having taken on the intelligence community in the aggressive fashion that she did. Ultimately, the video’s implication is the opposite of what we usually mean to communicate with the word “pussy……”

    What are they smoking? The President of the United States once made degrading remarks about Hilary Clinton’s menstrual cycles as part of his vicious primary battle against her; if the RNC is comparing Nancy to a femme fatale, that’s pretty small potatoes.

    Alas, both AllahPundit and William Jacobson think the RNC shouldn’t have made the ad, since they should have known that it might be “distorted” by the opposite side. What are we permitted to say that cannot be distorted by the opposite side?

    Again, BFD.

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