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    Flap’s Links and Comments for March 8th on 19:34

    These are my links for March 8th from 19:34 to 19:40:

    • Obama and the Tea Party, &c. – Like you, probably, I noticed the big news from Kenneth T. Walsh’s new book, about black Americans and the White House. (For an excerpt, go here.) President Obama has said that racism is at least part of what motivates the Tea Party.

      I said “big news,” but it’s not, really: It was kind of written in stone. Who doubted that criticism of Obama, or opposition to him, would be interpreted as racist? For eight years, we heard, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” Sometime in 2008, a reader wrote me, “If Obama wins, dissent will be the highest form of racism.”

      Lo . . .


      Racism indeed

    • Union Myths by Thomas Sowell – The biggest myth about labor unions is that unions are for workers. Unions are for unions, just as corporations are for corporations and politicians are for politicians.

      House Democrats remained AWOL from the Statehouse on Tuesday, and Gov. Mitch Daniels remained peeved.

      "I don't know why we hold elections if people aren't going to respect the outcome. I don't know why people run for office if they are going to pocket the money and walk off the job," he said. "I think everybody involved, starting with the people of Indiana, have shown a lot of patience, and our patience, I suppose, has a limit."

      He noted that if Democrats don't return he will call a special session – "if these folks believe that we will be bullied into submission, I would just recommend they not book any summer travel plans."

      Nothing shows the utter cynicism of the unions and the politicians who do their bidding like the so-called “Employee Free Choice Act” that the Obama administration tried to push through Congress. Employees’ free choice as to whether to join a union is precisely what that legislation would destroy.


      Read the entire piece