• Dennis Kucinich

    Barack Obama Watch: Florida Co-Chair Representative Robert Wexler Supports Bush Impeachment

    Robert Wexler

    U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler (D-FL) makes remarks on behalf of the Obama campaign before the Democratic National Committee Rules and Bylaws Committee in Washington May 31, 2008

    Team Obama Florida Co-Chair Democrat Representative Robert Wexler has signed on with Representative Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio to impeach President Bush.

    Congressman Robert Wexler, D-Fla. — the Florida co-chair for the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. — today announced that he has signed on to support the Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush, introduced this week by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio.

    “President Bush deliberately created a massive propaganda campaign to sell the war in Iraq to the American people and the charges detailed in this impeachment resolution indicate an unprecedented abuse of executive power,” Wexler said. “A decision by Congress to pursue impeachment is not an option, it is a sworn duty. It is time for Congress to stand up and defend the Constitution against the blatant violations and illegalities of this Administration. Our Founding Fathers bestowed upon Congress the power of impeachment, and it is now time that we use it to defend the rule of law from this corrupt Administration.”

    Wexler previously ran a nationwide campaign to hold impeachment hearings for Vice President Dick Cheney.

    And, this helps Barack Obama win Florida how?

    Moreover, Obama does NOT agree with ANY attempt to impeach the current administration:

    “I think you reserve impeachment for grave, grave breaches, and intentional breaches of the president’s authority,” he told USA Today “I believe if we began impeachment proceedings we will be engulfed in more of the politics that has made Washington dysfunction. We would once again, rather than attending to the people’s business, be engaged in a tit-for-tat, back-and-forth, non-stop circus.”

    Representative Kucinich and Wexler are FRINGE Left-Wing zealots who have NO support except among other zealots who suffer Bush Derangement Syndrome.

    But, this does HURT Obama in Florida. Wlll Barry throw him under the bus?