• John McCain

    John McCain Watch: Whoopi Channels Slavery

    Whoopi Goldberg to John McCain: Do I have to worry about slavery again?

    Whoopi Goldberg puts her foot into her mouth again on The View.

    The ‘Busters have the transcript. This isn’t quite the offensive idiocy it might seem at first blush; she’s asking a (mostly) rhetorical question about constitutional theory to challenge McCain’s stance on Roe, i.e. whether following the Founders’ intent is such a hot idea given that their Enlightenment views weren’t quite fully enlightened. One possible answer: We can correct the Founders through the amendment process. That’s what we should have done to legalize abortion and that’s what we did to ban slavery. Or did you miss that lesson in first-grade history, Whoopi? McCain’s response: Hey, good point! Groan.

    John McCain did not help himself well on this idiocy by Whoopi and should have made the case that the legislative branch of the government both federal and state is in charge of making the laws NOT the courts who trump up unwritten rules from some perceived constitutional duty or right such as the “right to privacy” in the case of abortion. But, he didn’t.

    Flap is sure that when Sarah Palin goes on The View she will be hammered on Roe v. Wade but the answer will be better framed and the groans from Whoopi louder.

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