Day By Day,  Hillary Clinton,  President 2008

Day By Day by Chris Muir November 11, 2007


Day By Day by Chris Muir

News item: Clinton Campaign Confirms Planting Town Hall Question, Says It Won’t Happen Again

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s campaign admitted Friday that it planted a global warming question in Newton, Iowa, Tuesday during a town hall meeting to discuss clean energy.

News item: Another Question Planted by Team Hillary?

In a telephone interview with Fox, Geoffrey Mitchell, 32, says he was approached by an operative for the Clinton campaign to ask a planted question about standing up to President Bush on Iraq war funding. The encounter happened before an event on a farm outside Fort Madison, Iowa. The Clinton event was hosted by Iowa State Sen. Gene Fraise.

Mitchell tells Fox that Clinton campaign worker Chris Hayler approached him and asked him to ask Sen. Clinton a question about how she was standing up to President Bush on the question of funding the Iraq war and a troop withdrawal timeline.

Hillary has NOT had a good couple of weeks. But, will this affect the polls?


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