Barack Obama,  Joe Biden

Barack Obama Chooses Joe Biden as Vice President Running Mate


Senators Joe Biden and Barack Obama

Barack Obama late last night through website and text messages named Democrat Senator Joe Biden of Delaware as his choice for Vice President.

Obama passed over Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton his rival for the Democrat Presidential nomination without even vetting her candidacy and a host of other Democrat pols including Senator Evan Byah, Governor Tim Kaine and Governor Bill Richardson.

Slow Joe Plagiarizing Biden who has twice run for President is 65 and has been in the United States Senate for over 30 years.

Barry could not have made a better choice – FOR THE GOP!


Barack Obama Watch: Joe Biden as Vice President?

Barack Obama Watch: The “Johnny-Come-Lately Position” on Afghanistan

Slow Joe Biden Says Rudy Giuliani has NO Experience in Foreign Policy So Shut Up About Obama

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