Barack Obama,  Joe Biden,  John McCain

Joe Biden Watch: Lots MORE Patriots and Lots MORE Taxes

McCain-Palin web ad: Patriotic Act

Playing upon Joe Biden’s GIFT yesterday, Team McCain has responded with the above humorous ad.

The script:

ANNCR: Joe Biden calls paying higher taxes a “patriotic” act.

Obama and Biden voted to raise taxes on working Americans making just $42,000 a year.

Higher taxes on seniors and their life savings.

Higher taxes on your electric bills.

Lots more taxes.

Lots more patriots.

JOHN MCCAIN: I’m John McCain and I approve this message.

With Barack Obama saying today that he would hold off on presenting his own economic recovery plan, the words of Joe Biden of HIGHER TAXES as the patriotic thing to do will be interpreted as their plan. In the past few Presidential cycles (since Mondale vs. Reagan in 1984) the Democrats have played “hide the ball” with their redistributive marginal tax schemes.

Sarah Palin will ask slow Joe about his “patriotic” statement in the Vice Presidential debate. Maybe by then Barack Obama will have an economic recovery plan. However, Flap doubts it will be little more than tax, tax and more obfuscation of tax increases.


Barack Obama is having a news conference finally outlining an economic recovery plan. Taxes and blame – that is all. But, he is refraining from any detailed plan at this time. Of course, Obama is voting present as usual.

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