Barack Obama,  John McCain

John McCain Watch: “MUM” on the Economic Crisis

Team McCain’s latest television ad: “Mum”

Crickets come from Team Obama as Congressional Democrats craft an economic bailout plan with President Bush’s Treasury Department.

Obama has voted “present” on submitting any detailed economic plan.

The Script:

ANNCR: In crisis, experience matters.

McCain and his Congressional allies led.

Tough rules on Wall Street.

Stop CEO rip-offs.

Protect your savings and pensions.

Obama and his liberal allies? Mum on the market crisis.

Because no one knows what to do.

More taxes.

No leadership.

A risk your family can’t afford.

JOHN MCCAIN: I’m John McCain and I approve this message.

Will McCain ultimately oppose the current Congressional – Treasury plan?

If the plan does not provide the necessary oversight, and transparency before spending more taxpayers’ funds McCain must oppose the plan and force Obama to counter, if he can.

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