Barack Obama,  economics

Poll Watch: 62 % Want Economic Stimulus Bill to Have MORE Tax Cuts and Less Spending


The latest Rasmussen poll on the Democrat/Obama Economic Stimulus bill says American voters want MORE tax cuts and less government spending – echoing the GOP.

With the Senate poised to vote Tuesday on an $827-billion version of the economic recovery plan, 62% of U.S. voters want the plan to include more tax cuts and less government spending.

Just 14% would like to move in the opposite direction with more government spending and fewer tax cuts, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Twenty percent (20%) would be happy to pass it pretty much as is, and five percent (5%) are not sure.

Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly want to see more tax cuts and less government spending. Democrats are more evenly divided: 42% agree with the Republicans, 32% want to pass the plan as is, and 22% would like to see more government spending and fewer tax cuts.

Most conservative and moderate voters want to see more tax cuts. A plurality of liberals say the plan should be passed pretty much as it is.

This is not surprising since Americans traditionally support more of their own money to spend the way THEY want.

Overall, 37% of voters favor the stimulus plan and 43 % are opposed.

The latest Rasmussen Reports poll – showing that 62% want more tax cuts and less government spending – is similar to a CBS News poll taken last week. That poll found that 62% said that reducing taxes will do more than increased spending to end the recession.

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