Humour,  Politics

Howard Dean Starts Therapy Fund for Rove

Howard Dean Starts Therapy Fund for Rove:

Howard Dean Starts Therapy Fund for Rove
by Scott Ott

(2005-06-24) — Just two days after White House political adviser Karl Rove said so-called ‘liberals’ wanted to respond to the 9/11 terror attacks with legal action and psychological counseling, Democrat party chief Howard Dean announced creation of a fund to provide Mr. Rove with anger-management therapy.

In a speech to the Conservative Party of New York Wednesday night, Mr. Rove said, “Conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war. Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers…I don’t know about you, but moderation and restraint is not what I felt as I watched the twin towers crumble to the earth.

Today, Mr. Dean said, “Democrats should not take offense at Karl Rove’s remarks, which were aimed at liberals, not progressives like us. But as a doctor, I’m moved by compassion for the medical condition which produces these angry outbursts. Democrats have the fundraising muscle to get him the treatment he so desperately needs. It’s the least we can do to protect our nation from the threat he poses until he gets therapy.”

It was interesting to note that Karl Rove used the L-word (LIBERAL) and not the D-word (DEMOCRAT) in his remarks before the Conservative Party of New York.

So, why are Democrats like Hillary Clinton so upset?

“To go to New York City and say what he said is just almost unimaginable,” she said. “Either he said something in a hasty, ill-conceived, reckless moment … or he said it deliberately, as part of a continuing effort to divide Americans.”

“I would hope that you and other members of the administration would immediately repudiate such an insulting comment from a high-ranking official in the president’s inner circle.”

Flap thinks Governor Pataki has it right:

“I think it is a little hypocritical of Senator Clinton to call on me to repudiate a political figure’s comments when she never asked Senator Durbin to repudiate his comments. Senator Clinton might think about her propensity to allow outrageous statements from the other side that are far beyond political dialogue –insulting every Republican, comparing our soldiers to Nazis or Soviet gulag guards– and never protesting when she serves with them.”

Perhaps Dean could recommend some of Pataki’s therapy for Hillary?


  • Karen

    CIA Director Porter Goss says he knows where Osama bin Laden is hiding.

    Isn't Osama the one who was responsible for the attacks on 9-11? We got Saddam Hussein — but Osama was the one we wanted to get "dead or alive" — wasn't he?

    Perhaps Karl Rove should talk to Mr. Goss and remind him that it was people in Afghanistan who attacked us on 9-11, in particular Osama bin Laden.

  • Joanne G Murphy

    Isn't it amazing (Once again, God is having a banner week in ironic humor!) that the DAY AFTER Rove ridicules "liberals" for offering "understanding" to terrorists, it is revealed that the Bush Administration has reportedly been negoiating with the insurgency!!!!

    Uh…what was that again about how LIBERALS don't know how to take a tough line with the terrorists?! HA HA HA HA HA!

    Sun Jun 26, 5:38 AM ET

    LONDON – U.S. officials held secret talks in Iraq with the commanders of several Iraqi insurgent groups recently in an attempt to open a dialogue with them, a British newspaper reported Sunday.


    The commanders "apparently came face to face" with four American officials during meetings on June 3 and June 13 at a summer villa near Balad, about 25 miles north of Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, according to The Sunday Times.

    The Sunday Times said neither the Iraqi government nor U.S. officials in Baghdad would confirm its report about the talks.

    Military officials in Baghdad did not immediately respond to a request by The Associated Press for comment on the Times article early Sunday morning.

    The story, which quoted unidentified Iraqis whose groups were purportedly involved in the talks, said those at the first meeting included Ansar al-Sunnah Army, which has claimed responsibility for suicide bombings in Iraq and an attack that killed 22 people in the dining hall of a U.S. base at Mosul last Christmas.

    Two others were Jaish Mohammed, or Mohammed's Army, and the Islamic Army in Iraq, which in August reportedly killed Italian journalist Enzo Baldoni, the newspaper said.

    One of the Americans at the talks introduced himself as a Pentagon representative and declared himself ready to "find ways of stopping the bloodshed on both sides and to listen to demands and grievances," The Sunday Times said.

    It said the official indicated that the results of the talks would be relayed to his superiors in Washington.

    The U.S. officials tried to gather information about the structure, leadership and operations of the insurgent groups, which irritated some members, who had been told the talks would consider their main demand, a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, the report said.

    The newspaper report follows accounts of indirect talks with the insurgents using Iraqi intermediaries.