Mitt Romney,  President 2008

Mitt Romney a Second Tier Candidate With a First Tier Checkbook

Republican presidential hopeful, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, speaks during a campaign stop in Rye, N.H., Saturday, Oct. 6, 2007.

Bottomle$$ Mitt

Speaking of Romney, the GOP ex-gov revealed this week that he’s funneled another $8.5 million of his own fortune into his 2008 presidential campaign, bringing the total amount of his own cash he’s spent on the race to $17.3 million.

Putting aside his earlier claim that it would be a “nightmare” to have to spend his own wealth on the race, it’s questionable just how much bang he’s getting for his buck.

He’s run 10,000 ads, mostly in major primary states such as Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida and South Carolina, but his poll numbers appear stagnant.

He’s leading the most recent polls in Iowa and is tied for the lead in New Hampshire, but trails in South Carolina and Florida.

Despite the spending frenzy, his national numbers have barely budged as he remains stuck at 10 percent – trailing former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (28 percent), TV star Fred Thompson (21 percent) and Sen. John McCain (14 percent), according to the Web site Real Clear Politics.

The numbers prompted one rival campaign insider to quip: “He’s essentially a second-tier candidate with a first-tier checkbook.”

And, when mainstream donors figure out his campaign except for his own checks is really $ one half million ahead they will figure he can self-finance the rest of his way. Romney will have to spend HIS OWN money in order to contend.

Mitt is ahead in Iowa (with Thompson in second place) but after spending $ millions he lags in South Carolina, Florida and most Super Tuesday states. It is conceivable that he could win Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and Michigan (his boyhood home state) but then lose all of the rest, starting with South Carolina and Florida.

Romney is banking on Mitt-Mentum from Iowa and New Hampshire. But, will it be enough?

How much will it cost him? $30 million?

Stay tuned……..


Mitt Romney FLIP Watch: The Log Cabin Ad

Mitt Romney FLIP Watch: Hillary Health Care 2.0 Similar to Romney’s Health Care Plan

Mitt Romney Watch: Tax FLIP for MITT

Mitt Romney Watch: Mitt Burns Through Campaign Cash

Mitt Romney Lead in New Hampshire Collapses

Giuliani Poll Watch: Rudy Catches Mitt Romney in New Hampshire

The Mitt Romney Posts

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  • FZappa

    I have seen no true interest in the Romney campaign from the grassroots.

    He only won the Iowa Straw Poll by busing in hundreds of people and buying them lunch, drinks, T-shirts, and admission to the straw poll (bands, food, etc.).

    And then has to pay those lame-ass “Super Volunteers” to cheer his name at rallies. If you’re being paid to be there how are you a “volunteer”?