Barack Obama,  Hillary Clinton,  President 2008

Hillary Clinton Watch: The Committee to Count Every Vote


State Senate Minority Leader Steve Geller filed a federal lawsuit today against the Democratic National Committee in an attempt to get the full Florida delegation seated at the party’s national convention – with its votes weighted to reflect the results of the disputed Jan. 29 primary.

A supporter of U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D-NY) holds a sign during a campaign event at the University of Miami, Florida May 21, 2008.

Hillary Clinton supporters will swarm Washington D.C. next week to protest the Democrat Party disqualifying primary election votes in Michigan and Florida.

Supporters of Hillary Clinton are planning to swarm the capital in a little over a week to pressure Democratic Party leaders as they gather to decide the fate of the Florida and Michigan delegations.

The Committee to Count Every Vote – a project of Hillary Responders – said Thursday it was organizing a day-long May 31 rally outside the hotel where members of the Democratic National Committee’s Rules and Bylaws Committee are planning to meet that day.

“It is essential that everyone who can meets in Washington that day to rally for our cherished democratic principles, help enfranchise MI and FL and to show that Hillary has equal numbers of passionate, devoted supporters who believe fervently, notwithstanding any math, that she will the better general election candidate and best president,” they wrote in a message posted on the group’s Web site.

“Our purpose is not to divide the party or attack the DNC or Senator Obama. Michigan and Florida, however, in addition to Hillary’s strong support nationwide, cannot and must not be dismissed in DNC efforts to unify the party.”

The group said it was organizing buses to carry protestors to the meeting site, and could offer some overnight housing for those who could not afford to pay for accommodations.

The Clinton Cabal is turning up the heat on the Obama campaign. Hillary and Bill played the sexism/gender card earlier in the week and now are playing “the election was rigged” card.

And, what are the consequences of this prolonged, concertedly negative and discrediting effort to the Obama campaign and the Democrat Party?

It sinks their chances of winning Michigan and Florida Electoral College votes in the fall.

How will Obama get Hillary to cease and desist? Can he?

Stay tuned…..


  • Mary

    It’s an insult to reallocate our votes. Obama was on the ballot and chose to take his name off and Mark Brewer told us to vote ‘uncommitted’ if our candidate did this.

    Why give Obama more delegates than ‘uncommitted’ would have given him? Some of those were for Edwards, etc.

    Either seat them the way we voted or don’t seat them at all – but do not pretend we count when YOU made the decision!

    I’m tired of you guys just using us, and if you don’t use the real senario it would be worse than FL 00 & I will look for a party who cares about and respects the voter!

  • Flap


    Do you think Hillary will go to court i.e. sue the DNC if they do not allocate the Michigan and Florida delegates fairly?