Adscam Scandel,  Canada

Paul Martin: I will Go If You Will Go

Prime Minister Paul Martin tells the national press corps that he would like to attend VE-Day ceremonies in Holland.

Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin has agreed to attend a V-E ceremony Monday for Canadian soldiers if opposition leaders agree to attend with him.

Read the story here:

There may be a ceasefire in the battle over an election call.

Prime Minister Paul Martin has won agreement from all three opposition leaders to attend VE-Day ceremonies in Holland on Monday.

Martin said he would only go if all of the opposition party leaders go with him, to avoid the possibility of a vote in the Commons that would force an election. The leaders of the Conservatives, NDP and Bloc Quebecois all say they’re prepared to attend under those conditions.

Martin had originally planned to go to honour Canadian veterans in Holland, but said last week he changed his mind when opposition leaders and MPs began to cancel.

The numbers in the House of Commons are so close that every vote will count in any move to bring the minority Liberal government down, an attempt the Conservatives have promised to make soon.

Martin will face an election this year – I suppose timing is everything.

Frankly, I don’t think it will matter.

The Canadian people are fed up and will change the government when given an election.