Morons,  Politics

Meet the Press: Howard Dean

Here is a good link to Howard Dean’s appearance on Meet the Press yesterday.

What a moron!

He gets names mixed up (Saddam vs Osama) and misspeaks. Even Tim Russert looks frustrated and runs a clip about Jim Farley, a former “good” DNC chairman under FDR.

The Lefties must be cringing but do they have the cajones to ask him to step down?

Update #1

Michelle Malkin opines here:

Whoops. Looks like Dr. Dean can’t keep his crackpot attacks straight. Recall that in December 2003, he waded into the far-left swamps to float the theory that Bush knew in advance about the Sept. 11 attacks–leading Charles Krauthammer to diagnose Dean with Bush Derangement Syndrome.

That, and an opportunistic infection of foot-in-mouth disease.