
Howard Dean: Focusing on Democrats’ Agenda Despite FLAP Over comments

Former presidential contender Howard Dean insisted he is focused on advancing his Democratic Party’s political agenda, despite a firestorm over his recent incendiary, anti-Republican comments:

He insisted Thursday the despite the flap, he is forging ahead with his efforts to reverse his party’s declining fortunes.

“I think a lot of (the controversy) is exactly what the Republicans want, and that’s a diversion,” he said.

Several member of his party have distanced themselves from Dean’s comments, and some have even called on him to apologize for the remarks.

But the leader of House Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, saw Republican opportunism in the contretemps.

“The fact is that the Republicans are trying to make a lot of hay out of Governor Dean’s remarks because they are failing to meet the needs of the American people,” she said at a press conference.

“If Governor Dean were not being effective, they would not be going after him so strongly,” Pelosi said.

Yeah right!

Howard Dean is gone after Labor Day when Hillary and James Carville take over the Democrat party hierarchial structure.

Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader has already had enough!