
California Highway Patrol: SLOW DOWN

Flap has noticed on his daily U.S 101 commute many more of California’s Finest Chips waiting for the casual and professional speeder.

The California Legislature has spoken citizens and the CHP will enforce the law.

The Los Angeles Times has this piece to make your weekend start off SLOW: CHP Cracks Down on Speeders Along I-5

Speeders statewide were met with a nasty surprise in the past day — 461 California Highway Patrol officers stationed along the length of Interstate 5 from Oregon to the Mexican border. At least 2,010 motorists were cited for speeding as of 6 a.m. today, about five times the normal number, the CHP said.

And motorists can expect more of the zero-tolerance sweeps this summer, the CHP said.

The extra officers were assigned for 24 hours, starting at 6 a.m. Wednesday. Violators were charged with traveling at speeds ranging from less than 10 mph over the speed limit to more than 30 mph.

The CHP plans to conduct similar operations on every major interstate freeway in California this summer.

“We’ve noticed that the speeds have creeped up, accidents have creeped up, and we want to do something about it,” said Arthur Anderson, assistant commissioner in charge of field operations.

So, California motorists buy a good radar detector or plan on going to traffic school.


Just Say No to Speeding!