Supreme Court

Supreme Court of the United States: Last Day of Term

The United States Supreme Court ends its term today with decisions on major cases and anticipated retirements of one or more justices.

Michelle Malkin has an excellent round-up here, THE SUPREME COURT SIZZLES

Hot day ahead for the Supreme Court as it ends its term; hands down some highly anticipated rulings (including a Ten Commandments case and the Cooper/Miller confidential sources appeal); and prepares for a likely resignation.

Hugh Hewitt and Bill Kristol had dueling predictions last week. Hugh sez Rehnquist; Kristol sez O’Connor. We’ll know soon enough. Steve at Southern Appeal was an early betting man on successors; he’s going with Michael McConnell.

Tons of stories speculating on successors to Rehnquist.

Heavy lobbying campaigns already under way on both sides.

Washington Post’s Monday morning edition reports:

The White House gathered key political operatives at a strategy meeting Friday to prepare for a possible Supreme Court vacancy that officials believe could occur this week, leading to the first high court confirmation battle in a decade, according to Republicans informed about the session.

The meeting, hosted by White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr., his deputy Karl Rove and counsel Harriet Miers, was called to ensure that President Bush’s supporters are ready for the high-stakes, high-intensity, high-dollar campaign that would follow a nomination. But some participants later told associates that they were not sure if any justice would retire.


Red State hears:

Sources close to the White House are telling Red State that they do expect a Supreme Court vacancy in the next ten days — as soon as tomorrow is possible, but within the next ten days seems most likely.

Robert Novak sez: No, not Gonzales!

Flap is off to drill this morning but his handicap is here.

For additional links, Michelle obliges:

Court-watching blogs to bookmark:

The Supreme Court Nomination Blog and SCOTUS blog

Bench Memos

How Appealing

Southern Appeal