Thanks Bowelmovement.cum, that was so nice of you to prove a template, I edited it to be factual, as opposed to what was provided. I'll be programming a bot to send this evry 5 minutes while I'm on vacation this week.

    The president offered exactly what I was expecting and my respect for him as Commander in Chief has not dminished.

    Iraq is closer to stability than it was a year ago. Things keep getting better every week. More than 1,700 Americans have been killed and thier scarifice is not lost on myself or my family.

    The U.S. war on terror is breaking the insurgency. Our presence is a sign to the world we will not tolerate terrorism no matter where it is.. There are tens of thousands of insurgents backed by hundreds of thousands of supporters, and if necessary we'll fight them all to the death

    We got into this war based on terror being brought to our shores, now it's our turn to fight them on thier lands. It’s time to stay the course and remain steadfast in our resolve. The first step is to realize that the Bush policy is one our congress voted for, and is the one we will follow.

    The Presidents clear and concise statement of the fault in an exit plan with a definitive timeline is why we can't announce our leaving. We need to turn control of the training of Iraqi forces and the rebuilding of Iraq to the international community.

  • jtb-in-texas

    Thanks, here's what I wrote:


    Thank God we have a President who loves America…

    The exit strategy is clear! When Iraq can defend herself, we'll move on!

    The Guardian, in England, reported that 100 terrorists attacked a police station and the police and locals killed 10 and captured 40…

    It may take, as Newt Gingerich estimated, 70 years to defeat al Qaida; but it will only take a couple more years to support Iraq with so many troops…

    Note we had 70,000+ troops in Germany until recently… and WW2 ended in 1945… We are not a colonial power like France, Germany, or Russia… Our troops go home when our allies ask us to go…


    May God Bless America!