Los Angeles,  Politics

Who’s Hot and Who’s Not in LA

Well, I guess you cannot have it both ways in politics.

Chief Parker over at Mayor Sam’s place has a piece on who is hot and who is not in their Tuesday Briefs.


1. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa — Everything he does gets media coverage (even when he sneezes) this is the way media in LA should be, but let’s see how long the coverage lasts. I am sure Joe and Janelle would prefer one less call so they can set up their voicemail.
2. Councilwoman Wendy Greuel — The most effective Valley Councilwoman continues to wow local city hall watchers with her grasp for mundane policy matters and smart political instincts.
3. City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo — Regardless if he’s running for prez, he raised over $1 million dollars in his bid to become California’s Attorney General — Jerry Brown has over $2 million but it took him a whole year to raise it, Rocky got his in 10 weeks, very impressive.
4. Speaker Fabian Nunez — Seems as though this little speaker could, get what he wants. A Speaker who many pundits predicted would be defined only by the Governor has shown that his team of Communication experts are playing major league baseball right now and could get top dollar anywhere in the nation. The real kudos go to Steve Maviglio and Gabe Sanchez.
5. Councilman Bill Rosendahl — He much in a Villaraigosa type fashion has been everywhere recently — attending any and all functions his district can offer — of course this can only be made possible by the very impressive staff he has hired.


1. Nick Pacheco — In an e-mail that was laughed at more than taken seriously Nick’s campaign proved that just because you are born with a brown nose, you can easily get it browner with a little butt kissing to the new mayor.
2. Roy Romer — So your 8-team press operation were completely busy doing other things and unable to help SELL THE DISTRICT THEY WORK FOR so you fundraise to get some good PR. Here is some free PR from the Chief — If you as a Government entity must FUNDRAISE to get PR (especially if you already have an office to do your PR) that is NEVER,EVER good PR.
3. Governor Schwarzenegger— Yes you signed a budget, but now what? Your internal media memos had you beating up Sacramento special interest until late July when your media team thought you’d have a budget signed. 18 days and no media strategy, what is a Governor to do?
4. Jim Hahn — Not really wanting to pile it on, but it has to be hard to read news clips every morning with Ethics pledges being signed and PR execs pleading guilty.
5. LA Weekly — The early Antonio bashing may seem like fun for your paper to do, but in actuality, the more you bash the more centrist you make Antonio look. I was just wondering if you guys knew you were doing him a favor.


When is the Governator going to respond to those nasty school teacher ads?