Blogging Matters


Now that most blogs, including Hugh Hewitt (who converted this weekend) have RSS feeds, my readers probably want a Flap recommendation as to the appropriate RSS Reader and aggregator.

Flap uses ONFOLIO.

Here is what Onfolio can do:

Read RSS News Feeds

Stay up to the minute with new information in your profession or academic discipline. News from sources you choose gets delivered to your desktop when you want it.

Collect Content

Capture articles and files from the web to your computer for reliable access. With tools at hand while you browse, Onfolio won’t slow you down.

Organize Research

As you collect, organize and file items, Onfolio also builds a searchable database so you or your team will have immediate access to items when you need them.

Share and Publish

Be the first to share relevant news with your colleagues or customers using Onfolio’s automatic publishing tools and convenient ways to email news items and Onfolio content.

So, go over and download a FREE trial copy of Onfolio here.

And then you can keep up with Flap, the Bear Flag League Members and Hugh Hewitt through RSS.

Flap knows you will be glad you did.

HT: Patterico


  • Flap


    I still use Bloglines, especially on my Treo. IT is a good web-based program, but then again so is Yahoo.

    However, the feeds do not update as fast as Onfolio (every 15 minutes) and it is much easier to categorize and save feeds and capture pages and organize and organize.

    Check it out!

    I even paid for it when my trial ran out.

    It is compatible with Firefox and Internet Explorer, too.

    You will be glad you did!