California,  Education,  Politics

California Democratic Party Watch: Happy in Raising Taxes

Bob Mulholland over at the California Democratic Party Blog is delighted that Los Angeles County voted to raise their taxes for Los Angeles Unified School Bonds. Granted a goodly number of those schools have badly deteriorated in both physical plant and educational standards.

But, school bonded indebtedness will not fix structural problems in California education – especially in the LAUSD.

Los Angeles area schools started to deteriorate with SERRANO V. PRIEST (1971 & 1976).

Mulholland takes a cheap shot at the California Republican Party for opposing certain tax bonds and measures over the years. The Democrats and Mulholland included have not found a tax or a tax increase they do not like. Tax and spend and redistribute – an old story that continues.

Taxation without accountability has taken California public schools from the top to near the bottom……and please don’t tell Flap it was the tax revolt of 1978, Howard Jarvis and Prop. 13.