Hillary Clinton,  Politics

Hillary Clinton Watch: Hillary Meter: 43% Will Vote Against

Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., speaks during an Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) Katrina Survivors rally near the U.S. Capitol in Washington Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2006. Demonstrators from New Orleans and beyond called for more federal funding to help rebuild the devastated Gulf Coast.

Rasmussen Reports: Hillary Meter: 43% Will Vote Against

Support for Hillary Clinton’s Presidential bid has slipped over the past month to the lowest levels recorded in two dozen surveys over the past year.

Today, just 27% of Americans say they would definitely vote for the former first lady while 43% would definitely vote against. Still, 59% of Americans believe it is somewhat or very likely that she will be the Democrat’s nominee in 2008.

Among Democrats, the number who would definitely vote for Clinton dropped 11 percentage points over the past two weeks.

Hillary is slipping in the polls.

Will John Kerry be a credible alternative?

Flap agrees with Captain Ed that if the Democrats wish to be competitive they MUST have a candidate outside the northeast.


Hillary Clinton Watch: Republicans ‘Playing the Fear Card”

Michael Ramirez on Hillary Clinton’s Plantation

Cox & Forkum: Hillary Clinton – House of Representatives Run Like a Plantation

Hillary Clinton Watch: House of Representatives Run Like a Plantation

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One Comment

  • Tyler

    Hi Flap –

    Good post on Hillary. The progressive netroots do NOT want Hillary to be the candidate, any more than they want Joe Lieberman to be the candidate. Hillary triangulates to the middle, and took a hawkish position on the War that she still stands by.

    Progressives are far more excited by any of the following: Wes Clark, Russ Feingold, Mark Warner, Al Gore.

    Kerry is, or at least should be, done. He is of the cloth of Washington Dems – capitulation, and keeping the powder dry. In fact, Democrats have had the most success and the most positive feedback from their constituency, when they take it to the Republicans and call them on their bull.

    I see the following as winning issues for the Dems in 2006 and 2008:
    * Illegal wiretapping of American citizens – many conservatives are coming out against the administration, and saying flat-out that what they are doing is illegal
    * Where’s Osama?
    * Torture scandal – see Abu Ghraib and illegal rendition
    * Cronyism, particularly when it leads to the death of Americans – see Brownie
    * War profiteering – see Halliburton
    * gross incompetence in executing just about any policy initiative
    * jeopardizing national security and then lying about it – see Libby flipping on Cheney yesterday
    * underfunded social and education programs combined with upper class tax cuts
    * Illegal lobbying, money laundering and pay-for-play – see Jack Abramoff, Tom DeLay, Duke Cunningham, Bill Frist and many many other top Republicans
    * environmental and safety rollbacks – see West Virginia miner disasters