George W. Bush,  Iraq War

Iraq War Watch: Go Big, Go Long Or Go Home?


A Marine from 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment on patrol in Husaybah, Iraq, November 3, 2006.

AP: Pentagon outlines 3 options in Iraq

A Pentagon review of Iraq has come up with three options — injecting more troops into Iraq, shrinking the force but staying longer or pulling out. The Washington Post quoted senior defense officials as dubbing the three alternatives “Go big, go long and go home.”

The secret military study was commissioned by Gen. Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and comes as political and military leaders struggle with how to conduct a war that is increasingly unpopular, both in the United States and in occupied Iraq.

Pace has said that all options for the Iraq war are on the table. Those would range from significantly boosting the number of troops to withdrawing a substantial portion of those now there.

John Hinderaker has a good analysis here.

But, Flap thought the Democrats had a plan for the Iraq War? Is this it?

A hybrid consensus will result but with Iran hegemony looming in the background will there be a solution without taking care of Iran first?


Stay tuned……

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