Giuliani Notes,  President 2008,  Rudy Giuliani

Giuliani Notes: Thinking Hard About Rudy


Maggie Gallagher


I’ve never voted for Rudy Giuliani in my life. But I’m thinking hard about it now.

In both cases, I surprise myself.

The rest of America may know Rudy as “America’s Mayor” for his ceremonial performance post-9/11, but for New Yorkers who lived through the Dinkins years, Rudy Giuliani is more than a guy who stands tall when the skyscrapers fall. By the late ’90s, people were beginning to say that New York City was ungovernable: Remember the court-driven interest group spending, the disorder, the bums taking over the parks and the playgrounds and the street corners, spiraling welfare costs, the crime, the small business disaster, the high taxes, rent control, the South Bronx? New York was a disaster area, a poster child for what liberalism hath wrought…….



The Rudy Giuliani Files

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